junk food making me sick

I haven't had potato chips in a month or so, and just had about 20 small chips (krunchers, kettle cooked), and i'm feeling kind of woozy and nauseous. not complaining, I hope I am adjusting my taste buds, so I'm no longer craving the same things on the regular basis I used to normally.

anyone else have this?


  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I've noticed that before a little bit with greasy things, but what really stands out for me is how disgustingly sweet some things taste after eating healthier. Like, automatic headache sweet from something you would have eaten on a regular basis before.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Yep! And forget about eating most fast food.

    Ditto on the sweet. I can't believe how sweet things are now!
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I wish this would happen to me.
  • milkandtea
    milkandtea Posts: 116 Member
    Yes! I tried to fast food the other night and started feeling sick after a few bites.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Interesting post. I stopped shaking salt on my dinner about 3 months ago. Out of habit I shook a little the other day before I stopped myself. I couldn't even eat my dinner I was so turned off by the salt taste. I hat to go and "re-plate" a new dinner for myself.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    The longer you go without them the less you'll enjoy them when you DO have them. Yeah, they do still taste good, but too much will definitely make you sick.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    I have noticed this. Makes me feel icky. And ditto on the sweets. I bought myself a Pepsi a couple of weeks ago because I hadn't had soda in 6 weeks. It was way too sweet. Didn't even finish it.
  • NaiaNZ
    NaiaNZ Posts: 72 Member
    Deep fried food, or food cooked in fat makes me feel sick as a dog!! BUT, I don't think I will ever be able to get over the deliciousness of chocolate!!!!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    A couple years ago I cut my salt and sugar intake and my tastebuds adjusted to where things like chips or fries or even sometimes meat seem overly salted. One chocolate bar lasts me months when I used to be able to down 3 whole ones in a day. (I blame my father, he had an enormous sweet tooth despite being a diabetic. Guess what killed him?)

    Same goes for fried or greasy, cheap food now. It cramps my stomach and I'm spending half the night on the toilet in agony like I had eaten a bucket of habanero peppers. Makes it a no-brainer to go for the healthier stuff!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Yes! The longer you go, the worse you feel. I, sadly, got fast food this weekend and it made me a bit sick but what really struck me was how gross my Pepsi tasted! I don't normally drink a lot of soda anyway, ususally only when I go out to eat, but now I've been drinking water, coffee and green tea almost exclusively and haven't had in soda in a few months. It was even a diet Pepsi and was still nasty.
  • Yes! i dont like the feeling but in a way im like yes! i no longer will be eating bad food!
  • SilentMelody
    SilentMelody Posts: 57 Member
    Any time after eating healthy, I still crave the unhealthy junk I used to eat... and it always makes me feel awful. Forget about fast food, thats just not going to happen. Halfway through a burger and i'm done.. can't do it. and junk food just makes you feel so sick.. I think it's because your body is so used to the nutrition and good food that the grease and the fillers just don't agree with your system :)
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    Deep fried food, or food cooked in fat makes me feel sick as a dog!! BUT, I don't think I will ever be able to get over the deliciousness of chocolate!!!!

    good chocolate isn't processed, so it should be in the same category with healthy food. thank GOD
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    I had 2 slices of pizza tonight {spike day} and I am so nauseated, I am sorry I even had it!:sick:
  • I got sick off pizza too and caffeine. I think breaking my no junk food rule killed my stomach. I feel awful...
  • Im the same way
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,752 Member
    Deep fried food, or food cooked in fat makes me feel sick as a dog!! BUT, I don't think I will ever be able to get over the deliciousness of chocolate!!!!

    good chocolate isn't processed, so it should be in the same category with healthy food. thank GOD

    ^^^^^THIS! Good chocolate is delicious, crap chocolate is just that... crap. :laugh:
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Are you sure that it was the chips?
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    I'm the same way, especially with the chips. I used to scarf down a whole bag in one sitting. Now I feel ill from eating a lot less, and the taste now puts me off too, actually tasting all the oil in them.