Stuck, can't lose weight!

I am 5'8 and 170lbs I would love to be 140, but I have aiming for short term goals along the way. I started this weight loss journey in January ago at 176 but didn't start taking it super serious until the end of January. I have started running 6 weeks ago with the couch to 5k app on my phone and I am on track and actually enjoying running and working out.

So, my problem is I am getting very frustrated since the scale is NOT moving. Sometimes it will go down to 168 and sometimes it will be 172. My jeans have gotten looser and people have given he compliments regarding weight loss but I am seeing no changes in numbers. I work out 4-5 days a week for an about hour and I watch what I eat. I do like the enjoy a few drinks on Friday and Saturday nights with my friends since I am young (23). Basically I need some advice on how to have more success regarding losing weight while still being able to enjoy being 23!

I would also like to start different exercises and adding weights. Right now I just run and do the elliptical. I will be very thankful for any advice and feel free to add me!

Thanks so much!


  • First congratulations on starting your "Get Fit" journey! Now for the bad news....if you have loose fitting jeans you have lost weight but the scale may not be moving as quickly as you would like. It's only March and you have been working out seriously for under two months. Keep working and don't give up.

    Next Advice...switch it up! Try adding in some strength training =) A good rule of thumb I like to use is...once I start a new workout..for example taking spin soon as I get good at the class I can it and start something else. It's called muscle confusion and that keeps the lbs coming off. (at a moderate rate)

    I was stuck and not losing any weight 3 months in and I started adding in heavy weight and I gained 5lbs the first two weeks and dropped way more than that 3 weeks after. If your looking for a good HIIT workout that has lots of cardio, plyometrics, and weight training try Juillian Michaels book "Making the Cut" it was like 14 bucks and it was my bible during my weighloss pit stop.

    Its a journey and a long one at that...try and relax and enjoy it!
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    First question:
    are you tracking your calories/food?

    Weight loss is basic math........calories in versus calories out. You and I have very similar stats and starting points, and I've lost 18lbs in 6 weeks. I am just SUPER strict about what I eat, super strict about work outs, I don't have cheat days, and I went a month with no sugar, no drinking to kick start everything. I've only drank 3 times in 6 weeks..........I'd rather be healthier and thinner than get drunk every weekend. ;)