New one over here

So I searched and searched for a great free website to loose weight; I found this nifty site and decided to join up!

My name is Lisa and i'm 29 years old and it seems I have a loooong ways to go before I reach my goal of 160 I'm currently 275. I have been battleing this obesity for eight years and now it's time to say "no more!" I am looking for friends and support.



  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    Welcome on best journey.

    Dont give up.

    Dont diet too hard. Converse on forums with people just like you.

    i sent you friend request!

    hope you enjoy weight loss
  • vickie28
    vickie28 Posts: 68 Member
    Welcome !
    You will get to your goal, track your food & drink your water , the weight will just start coming off !! Throw in some exercise & make friends on here because we are all here for the same reason. :smile:
    Good luck ! sending friends request so we can encourage each other -- I have about 55 more to lose .
  • Something to think about if you are just getting started...myself and my running buddy are having great success with the Body by Vi program...we just use the Shape kit, which replaces two meals a day with a high-quality protein shake that tastes amazing. I'm down 12 pounds in 50 days, and am only 4 from goal. I was working out and eating right before I started the shakes, and they have helped me amp it up immensely. My buddy Amanda is down 23 pounds and counting in 5 weeks. My sister-in-law, who weighs well over 300 pounds and only gets a few walks in a week, just started last week and lost an amazing 7.5 pounds.

    You control the carbs in the shakes, which are full of the vitamins and trace minerals that your body needs, and we use chia seeds for extra whole grain, fiber, omega 3s and antioxidants. The shakes are also shaving decent $ from our grocery budgets. Every customer gets a referral link, which you can use to get friends or family to sign up. Mine is

    The nice thing about it is there is a 90-day challenge that goes with the shakes, and if you get three people so sign up for a challenge with your referral link, you can get your shakes for free. If you are just getting started and looking for ideas, maybe this might be worth a look? I can send you dozens of recipes for the shake mix, if you decide to give it a try. Good luck with reaching your goals! And if you'd like a friend, you can add me...tsh2327.

  • Hey! I did the same thing and researched the best online weigh loss website. I'm Helena I'm 18 years old, 175lbs. I wanna be around 130 at the end of it. I would love to lose 15+ pounds for a prom dress. (Which prom is on may 5th but obviously i need a dress before then). Currently im a size 16 in a dress, and would like to be POSSIBLY a 7. I need moral support cause I have a problem to do it by myself. If you check up on me, Ill check up on you!
    Any tips to lose fat fast on a top heavy girl? Im appled shaped, which is i carry most of my weight on my chest and neck. Also, any tips on how to hide huge swimmer shoulders?