Working out to Slim in 6

Anyone else using beachbody's Slim in 6 series as their primary workout?? If so join me in forming a support group to help each other get through the phases....


  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    there was a group that was started a few weeks ago but not much has happened with it. I have the program and i am starting next week. how far along are you?
  • deltadiva06
    Anyone else using beachbody's Slim in 6 series as their primary workout?? If so join me in forming a support group to help each other get through the phases....

    I'd love to start a support group. I started SI6 on Monday. I've already lost 4 pounds. I'm staying focused and trying to stay motivated to eat the right things. I did SIU this morning. I'm about to go to the gym for an ab class.
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    are either of you using the supplements?
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    If you like slim in six try slim series after you complete slim in six. You will thank me later :)
  • deltadiva06
    are either of you using the supplements?
    No I'm not using the supplements.
  • Malvys24
    Malvys24 Posts: 66 Member
    No i'm not using the supplements but i am drinking a whey protein shake for breakfast 3x a week. The directions say to use 2 scoops but i only use one.

    Today is my 4th day using Slim in 6 and tomorrow i am going to try Ramp It Up... Lets see how i do. I'm barely able to keep up with Star it up. My arms is what kills me the most. And at one point or another i have to take at least 1 small break in the section toward the end.

    Let's post each other's goals and help one another reach them??

    My goal is to lose 15-22 pounds in the 6 weeks.

  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    i would love to lose about 11 pounds doing it. i was afraid that I would lose the weight if I didn't use the supplements. did you take before photos
  • Malvys24
    Malvys24 Posts: 66 Member
    No i haven't taken before photos.. I will today and i will also take measurements. How r u doing with your eating? I did ramp it up today. I took some breaks and some parts kicked my butt but i finished it all. I thought it was going to be 45 min of rigorous workout but i am glad the last 13 minutes are abs and stretching...
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    my eating is ok i do blow my calories once a week just to get it out of my system. (Thursday I went over by 736). I'm a little nervous about starting on Monday. I was doing really well with just walking on the treadmill for 40 minutes and now to really workout hard seems scary because it's it's too hard i usually quit
  • Malvys24
    Malvys24 Posts: 66 Member
    What's your name?
    Look, once you start just keep pushing play. The workouts r going to seem difficult the 1st 2-3 times u do them but they your body adjusts and you start feel good. I weigh 222lbs and i am sure you weigh less than i do by your picture. So if my fat *kitten* can do the workouts (with quick breaks, at a slightly slower pace) i am sure you can do them 2.

    Today was my 6th day working out to Slim in 6 and i did Ramp it Up for the 2nd time. The lunges kicked my but n had to take quick 5 sec breaks but i finished the whole video. I'm gonna push myself to be able to not take breaks but do the exercises at MY pace wed or thursday session. I'll let you know how i do.

    I really hope i can work on my eating because my dieting is a huge struggle right now. I'm only consuming about 1100 calories a day n i should be at at least 1400. But i don't want to eat more because i'm probably going to eat something that i not healthy and full of carbs and fats.
    How r u doing with your eating? r u doing a specific diet? Let me know.

    Have a great Sunday,
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    my name is Cherri. thanks for the advise i start tomorrow so we will see. I eat about 1300 calories a day and i'm vegetarian. when i have calories left over i ususally drink them:drinker: wine is my drink of choice. for breakfast i usually have a veggie sausage on an whole wheat english muffin for snack babybel cheese and a piece of fruit for lunch suop or a salad and for dinner a stir fry and 1/3 cup of brown rice or a half cup of pasta with sauce and for dessert wine and popcorn.

    one day a week i splurge and eat whatever I want Ice cream, pizza, french fries and onion rings and donuts etc.:devil:

    what's your food weakness? are you eating you exercised calories?
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    I'm just waiting for the vids to finish downloading!
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    it's official I did my first workout today. it was cool. how are you logging it in your exercise log?
  • Malvys24
    Malvys24 Posts: 66 Member
    hey cherri,
    Congrats on day 1. Yay.....
    How did you do? You did SIU right?
    I put it down as aerobic general. do you have other suggestions?
    Did you work out today already?? Let me know

    where r u downloading the videos from? And which ones cause there's several??
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    well day two is down and of course my TOM is here. I'm really sore and could barely raise my legs up my front steps today but it can only get easier. I use low impact aerobics for 168 calories burned. how are your workouts going Malvys? do you see a difference yet? are you sore like I am?:sick:
  • Malvys24
    Malvys24 Posts: 66 Member
    DId you work out on wed? How about today thurs??? I didn't feel like working out today but i just went for it and pushed play. Depending on my intensity its when i feel sore. But i'm sweating like a pig in every workout so i'm happy with that. THe leg lifts r killer though.
    I wish we knew exactly how many calories we are burning... I'm gonna ask around to see what would be most accurate. Can't wait til sunday, its going to be my rest day and cheat day 2....

    Hope to hear from you soon
    Malvina or Malvys, or Mal. whatever is easiest.
  • Malvys24
    Malvys24 Posts: 66 Member
    DId you start working out to SI6 already? How's it going? Do you have any questions??
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    DId you work out on wed? How about today thurs??? I didn't feel like working out today but i just went for it and pushed play. Depending on my intensity its when i feel sore. But i'm sweating like a pig in every workout so i'm happy with that. THe leg lifts r killer though.
    I wish we knew exactly how many calories we are burning... I'm gonna ask around to see what would be most accurate. Can't wait til sunday, its going to be my rest day and cheat day 2....

    Hope to hear from you soon
    Malvina or Malvys, or Mal. whatever is easiest.

    sorry i haven't written in a while. my first week is own and i lost 3 lbs. i started ramp it up today and it was fun. i relly wish i knew how many calories i was burning. are any of you hungrier since starting the progam? i am
    2BHEALTHY Posts: 62
    I do the slim series. The dvd's are so good. You get a good workout. :smile:
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    how long have you been doing them?