Can you do 100 pushups?!



  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I am going to do this in a couple of weeks. I am on week 5 of 200 squats now!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    If I did a push up it would have to be the one's for girls and I bet I could only do 5 or so. I have a bad unstable back any ideas for exercise that will strengthen my core without hurting my back?

    That's a tough one. I'd be hesitant to give out any advice without knowing your physical limitations and would strongly recommend talking to a physio before starting a workout program. There are exercises that will work your core, but almost all of them engage (if not strain) the muscles in your back.

    I have been doing standing ab exercises. Run some of those plans by your doctor. I find it to be super helpful.
  • 0RESET0
    0RESET0 Posts: 128
    Thanks for the link. I joined the 366 push up group at the beginning of the year and have maxed out at 20 per set. Since I will be doing 366 push ups at the end of the year, I need to make my sets a little bigger so I don't take hours to get them done. I will be using the 100 push up protocol to increase my max reps.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    I girl push ups for tabata yesterday, I managed something 50 like total in 4 minutes, and I thought I was going to die my arms were shaking so bad. I can only so 7 real push ups in a row. I am working on increasing, but I think I should go at my own pace. Good luck to you all!
  • most definitely not! too much weight to lift. check back after i reach my goal! :)
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 391 Member
    Nope, but I can do about 25 thanks to Jillian Michaels! Which is pretty decent improvement, seeing as how I started at about 5 before my body would shake. That is awesome though, best of luck :D
  • Got 71 on pushups on my last PT test.
    100 would be sweet! I want >.>
  • maverick48
    maverick48 Posts: 69 Member
    Do you mean in a row? Because give me enough time, I think I could...Also, I would rather be able to do 20 pullups.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Not in a row, but I can do about 75, take a quick 10-15 second break and knock out another 40-50. This is usually how I warm up on chest day.
  • dancerman
    dancerman Posts: 46 Member
    where do I sign up?

    I started Saturday -
    doing the 200 sit up app as well

    30 pushups and 120 situps to start.....

    let me know where to join please

  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    Yes as I do this for warm ups 50 x 2... Never tried 100 in a row though, would be a fun challenge!

    Now pull ups are a different story :laugh:
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    There is also an android phone app that I've been using to get to 100 pushups. :D So far its been a great app, right on track with my ability!
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I bought a book of that program once then took it back! Part of me wants to and part of me really, really doesn't.
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    I like the push up app too! I'm up to 300 in 30 mins or so.
  • I could last year when I played badminton. My coach made us do 10 pushups every time we missed a smash. I wasn't the greatest at returning smashes... I think my pushup ability improved more than my smashes did, but I'm sure that with a little practise I could get back to where I was a year ago.
  • This is pretty a lot of people I too am doing P90x, except I am shooting for 3-5 days a week for workouts. I am two weeks into that and just did the test and collapsed at 40. Looking forward to getting to 100. I am starting at week 3 column we go.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    For anyone interested, go to "Groups"


    Search for "100 Push Ups Here We Come!" and join the group. Next, find the thread "Starting Monday 2/27" and let us know you'll be participating!
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    Good directions tmch4006 :)

    It's not my group, but I'll use it as a tool to keep me motivated! You guys can start anytime, just get it started!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    I got to week 4 of that program and then repeated week 3 and 4 a couple of times... More of a mental block that stopped me getting to week 5 I think.

    At the time, I was doing P90x at the same time. I think I was maxing out somewhere near 50 consecutive. Could probably manage about 35 now I reckon.
