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need encouragement to cut down the alcohol



  • jshorr
    jshorr Posts: 60 Member
    Wow, a toughie. I totally feel for you. I recently(last Wednesday) decided to cut cigarettes and booze out of my life. I feel like a lunatic now because of this, but I am optimistic that things will get easier. They were bringing me down so much. So much to the point where I felt like crap not just because of the hangover, but because I didn't have the self-control to say no. I have been a smoking while drinking smoker for so long now after officially quiting for a year. I started cheating by smoking when I drink and it felt like a stake in the heart to me the days after I would cheat. We support you and just know others are going through similar situations and feel for you.

  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
    woo! Step one- yesterday was an AWFUL day, stressed to the max, my bf pours me a glass of wine, and I said no. ok, i got this during the week i think, now to tackle the weekend ahead!
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I can sympathise, I've made the decision to cut back on alcohol, basically to save my calories for food lol. But I'm not going to cut it out completely, I've already done that with enough other things (crisps, chocolate, cakes, bread) and I think I'll be setting myself up for failure if I decree that alcohol is out the window as well!

    So to start, I am allowing myself alcohol friday night through to sunday evening. This is still much better than what I was doing, which is drinking every night, usually more than one glass as well!

    Good luck with your goal, I know I'm going to need a lot of willpower to keep to mine!
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    It's encouraging to see, at least, that so many people struggle with this. I live in a city where the ONLY way anyone socializes is with a drink in hand. We have something like the highest rate of binge drinking in the nation.

    If I'm trying not to drink (admittedly I have not tried this too many times) I will order a club soda with lime, which is the same as my usual drink just without the vodka. I wouldn't make a big deal about it, but if someone asks I would tell them I can feel a migraine coming on and alcohol always makes it worse. That way they don't feel bad about their drinking-- it's my own particular medical issue. If you say you're trying to avoid the calories or avoid a hangover it can be a bit of a buzzkill.

    Be sure to leave a tip for the bartender, even if you don't order anything!
  • shefury
    shefury Posts: 56 Member
    I've got the same problem. I've definitely cut back and only have wine Saturday night with my hubby while we relax together. BUT I would love to be able to take it down to 2 drinks instead of 4 or whatever. I hope that with time, and weight loss, I won't need more than 2. Want to be friends since we have the same dilemma? You can add me if you like!
  • Try going out an hour or two later than normal. When you are out have a single measure with a double diet mixer to lower the calories and make the drink last longer. Avoid wine, beer and extremley toxic friends. Good luck.
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Oh, I'm with you! I've gone for long stretches without drinking, so I've learned how to handle the friend issue (club soda with lime). The real problem is ME! After a stressful day, I really want a glass of wine, but that almost always turns into more. I'm working on weekends only, and limiting the quantity. I know it's wrecking havoc on my weight loss efforts.
  • I quit drinking 6 years ago because I am an alcoholic who comes from a long line of alcoholics. There are plenty of "virgin" drinks out there and some really good alcohol free wine. I prefer Ariel to Fre, the Ariel Cabernet Sauvignon is my favorite. I only drink a glass or two once every few months. http://www.arielvineyards.com/wine/cabernet_sauvignon.html

    I also got into the habit from a friend of cutting my wine in half with club soda, which in itself cuts the calories in half.

    the suggestion of becoming the DD is a great one. it's good to get out with friends and have a laugh and people watch, many get so different while they are drunk, watch them and consider it an experiment in sociology.

    more information about Ariel, it has less sugar and is less than half the calories of your average wine while still providing the antioxidant health benefits without the metabolism slowing and dehydration of alcohol http://www.arielvineyards.com/health_benefits.html and like i said, cutting it with club soda cuts the calories even more. My local package store ordered it for me, i'm pretty sure your favorite packy or hang out can order it to. retail is only $9 a bottle
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I had a similar issue... One of my hobbies (im not going to call it is sport) is pool... of course that means im playing in bars.

    As of the start of this session, I stopped drinking on my monday night pool team. The difference in my game is insane. I am never going back to drinking during league games again.
    I went from being a "good for my handicap player" to having people seriously think I was sandbagging. Just to put it in perspective in every match I have had for the last 5 weeks, I have managed atleast one zero inning game.

    That means that either I broke, or he broke and missed making something...... and then I ran in every ball on the table without giving him a single shot. Two weeks ago I played one of the best players in the country, that happens to live here and play in my leauge. He only got to shoot twice in 3 games.. and both shots were in the same game where I intentionally left him hung.

    I know this is supposed to be about alcohol and not pool, but I have to say, if you find YOUR reason to not drink when you're out.. its MUCH easier to stick to. By not drinking on leauge nights, im saving money, saving calories... feeling better about my choices the next day.. i dont get the late night munchies and I am winning....
  • I was just wondering about this myself.
    One night a week, I go out. I drink Bacardi & Diet Coke - zero fat, zero carb, zero sugar, zero sodium, zero protein - basically just 100 empty calories per.
    So if I fit it well into my numbers - does the fact that its alcohol still have a negative effect?
  • When I first started doing the "different lifestyle/dieting" thing, I avoided situations that would put me in an uncomfortable situation where I would have to choose whether to be good and stay on target or whether I would cheat and eat whatever I want... Now that I've been at this for a while, I'm able to be in those situations and be able to control my cravings. If you are serious about wanting to cut it back while you get healthy you might want to consider that... find a different setting to hang out with your friends in that doesn't involve alcohol. But thats just my opinion. :-)
  • if you need some encouragement try to workout the morning after drinking i find that i am more motivated to drink less. I just moved from a place where there just wasn't a lot to do but bbq and drink so i know where your coming from. Now i really have to weigh the options and i only drink once a week and try to limit to two. It isn't always easy but i am feeling better for it. You can do it if i can anyone can. You can add me if you need some extra help:flowerforyou:
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I shared this information in another post. I used to listen to Jillian Michaels' radio show, and she had mentioned that two alcoholic drinks affects your fat burning ability by 73%. I didn't know the reasons or any more info than that, but it was enough to stop me from drinking when I go out. On a rare occasion I'll have a margarita on the rocks, or a Guinness. I do the DD thing, too, because I know I'll get myself in trouble if I don't. I was a daily drinker in my 20s, and that's where a great deal of my weight came from. Anyway, this was posted by someone else, explaining the 73% deal, plus more.

    "Well, according to research carried in the American Journal
    of Clinical Nutrition, alcohol puts the brakes on fat
    metabolism (your body’s ability to burn fat as energy) in
    more ways than one. In the study, eight people were given
    two vodka drinks separated by 30 minutes.

    Fat metabolism was checked both before and after each drink.
    It turns out that even hours after drinking both drinks, fat
    metabolism dropped by an incredible 73%. What is happening?

    When you drink alcohol, your liver converts it into a
    substance called acetate. (The acetate levels in the
    subject’s bodies were 2.5 times higher than normal). And it
    is the acetates in your body that make losing blubber almost

    Your body prefers burning acetate to all other sources of
    fuel (fat being one of them), and basically shuts down its
    normal process of burning off any other source of energy.

    In other research, alcohol has been shown to increase
    appetite. When you combine alcohol with meals, studies have
    shown you tend to eat more. And since the alcohol is going
    to serve as your body’s primary source of fuel, all the
    calories go directly to your waistline.

    And finally, alcohol increases your cortisol levels and
    decreases your testosterone levels for about 24 hours after
    you imbibe. And this definitely is not good for trimming
    down or adding muscle!"
  • HisMissus
    HisMissus Posts: 119 Member
    Maybe try diluting drinks with diet soda such as wine to make a spritzer or beer to make a shandy. You could also try alternating alcoholic drink then diet soda then alcoholic drink. I'm sure there will be some alcohol free beers you can try, my Hubby likes Becks alcohol free beer. It may take getting used to but perservere. Drinking alcohol with your friends is a habit so you can break that habit and change it to drinking non-alcoholic drinks with friends. I'm sure your friends will be understanding and supportive if you show them you mean business :)
  • emisu2
    emisu2 Posts: 53 Member
    I have the SAME EXACT issue! I play in a band, and we get tons of gigs in bars. There is no end in sight. As soon as I walk into the club, everyone around me is drinking. There are advertisements for alcohol everywhere, and some people even shower the band with free drinks!

    I always feel like I look "weird" when I am the only one not drinking. My biggest concern is probably the calories. I try to do lots of dancing to help burn calories. I also try to be really good during the week. I work out on the weekends, too.

    I am still not quite sure what the right beverage is... I think if I drink something more filling like a huge draft Michelob Ultra or something, I am getting the filling feeling and slight buzz but less calories and carbs than if I were to have a heavier beer, hard liquor, or wine. Plus, it's cheaper.
  • caustin112
    caustin112 Posts: 25 Member
    I drink a tonic water with lime. Taste like it could be an alcoholic beverage and no one is the wiser.
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    raxmox, thank you! That is very informative.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    raxmox, thank you! That is very informative.

    Glad to help! This info would've helped me more 20+ years ago!
  • I'm glad I came across this topic today because I just joined this site last week and this past weekend was the first weekend of "keeping track." I knew I went overboard on Saturdays (called it my cheat day) but until I decided to be honest with myself and log EVERY single thing I put in my mouth.............I had no idea that I was actually consuming over twice the amount of calories! I won't even get into the fat/carb breakdown. YIKES!

    when I weighed myself on Friday I was back at my normal weight after gaining a few pounds on vacation. By the time Monday rolled around I was 3 pounds heavier! I've been losing and gaining the same three pounds for months. I work hard all week then flush it down the toilet during the weekend with beer and bad food and justify it as "hey, I worked hard all week so I deserve it."

    I really do need to find a way to curb this and there are alot of good ideas on this thread so thanks everyone! I'll do some serious thinking the next three days so by the time the weekend rolls around I'll have a plan in place.
  • bellevie23
    bellevie23 Posts: 208 Member
    I guarantee about 15 of these pounds needing loss was alcohol-induced, personally for me I had to quit cold turkey, however pregnancy came shortly after so it helped lol, but I needed that to realize how much I really was drinking. After pregnancies I didnt trust myself to have one because I was worried I might have more, but I built up to only having one drink here and there, and that is what I do, mainly because I don't drink around my kids, it is socially, and I always worry if I get tipsy that will be the time I am called saying something sent one of my kids to the hospital and here Ill be stumbling in tipsy and not taken seriously..yes this is my paranoia to keep me away lol, you just need to find a good enough reason for you :)