Pole Fitness

Ok, so I do pole fitness at least 3 times per week, also one trapeze/circus skills class a week. I usually count trapeze as gymnastics as its the same sort of thing (stretching, climbing etc) but how should I log my pole training? And also, I'm starting a contemporary dance class soon, how do people think I should log that?


  • tammy_lng
    tammy_lng Posts: 22 Member
    For the dance class I would log it as dancing. I am not sure about the pole fitness maybe Make your own title it Pole fitness.
  • xxidealgurlxx
    When I searched dancing on my phone it didn't come up with anything :/
  • diam0nddagger
    I log mine as pole dancing but then I use a HRM or roughly count it as 3 cal per minute - it all depends your level or how vigorous your training is!
  • Floobaloob
    Floobaloob Posts: 25 Member
    depends on your pole class.

    I usually count mine as gymnastics (same as my trapeze class) when I'm doing my pole dancing class, because its not too intense and feels similar to trapeze. BUT when I'm on my pole at home I use what my HRM tells me (up to 300 cals for 30mins)
  • xxidealgurlxx
    Where did you guys get your HRM ( I take it that's Heart Rate Monitor as well)?
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Depending on what I'm doing (dancing through a song vs. practicing tricks) I'll log either as some combination of aerobic dance and gymnastics. If I'm doing heavy conditioning, I log as calisthenics--intense effort. One of these days I'll actually get a HRM.
  • xxidealgurlxx
    Cool, thanks guys!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I got my HRM at Best Buy.
    Polar FT4 with chest strap transmitter. I can even feel the strap after it's on.
    I love mine!! EKG accurate!
    You can pause & continue during your workouts as well. When you stop it..it logs your activities into it's data files.
    Very easy to use...comfortable...and well worth it!