Hello! Anybody from IL/MO area?

New to the site. Well, not totally....joined last April...literally forgot that I joined. Have recently gotten serious about losing the extra weight and came back. I have 5 kids so I'm super busy and making meals for kids is a challenge because I'm trying to watch my diet. I want to eat what they eat mostly because I don't want my kids (especially the girls) to pick up on "dieting" Controlling my portions and choosing much healthier/lower calorie meals for when they aren't around. Aiming for 300-400 cal meals & a few >100 cal snacks throughout the day. Any tips or advice for a newbie? Also started a spin class last week with a friend. Tonight is class 2 for me! OUCH..my hiney was sore for days!! Couldn't even begin to keep up with my classmates but I just kept pedaling, figure as long as I keep moving that is better than nothing! :)



  • moonrazer45
    hello yes i live in mo, i am 57 yr. and need a buddy to help keep me accountable.
  • fiveblessings
    What are your biggest challenges each day?

    One for me is what to drink other than water. I don' t want to waste calories on my drinks! I love sweet tea so I've found the mix-in stuff for peach tea that is only 5 cals per serving, so that is working nicely. Also put a splash of cranberry juice in ice water and use a straw to get the water in a lot easier. I gave up soda last July, so that's not an issue at all but I sure crave my homemade sweet tea that I used to drink everyday!
  • timaeus_drache
    timaeus_drache Posts: 104 Member
    I spent ages 9-18 in and around Scott AFB, IL ( 20-30 minutes from STL). Still have family in southern Illinois.
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    Hey, I was born in Springfield IL but moved to Palatine in 2nd grade and then to Texas in 6th grade. Still have family in Springfield.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    Live in MO, work in IL!