trying to figure out what's wrong with the scale... and/or m

just wrote this in response on a FB post, thought i would share it here. not fishing for compliments or anything- just want to share my struggles and be honest with myself and you all: i weighed 125 when i got pregnant with both of my boys. granted- i had NO muscle. not even a little. when i started Zumba right after my bros wedding in 07 i weighed 134 and thought i was huge. then once i started instructing i went down to 118 NO **** (sorry for the swear but i think it's necessary in this case), then slowly crept up (b/c i thought i could eat whatever i wanted) to 134 again. last year i worked really hard on myfitnesspal tracking my cals and lost 1 lb a week for 6 weeks before mexico. gained all 6 back in mexico, then another 6lbs over the course of the year. after my foot surgery i weighed 140. since november i have been eating clean (even better than last year b/f mexico) and i have only lost 6lbs in over 3 months. BUT i have been lifting super heavy (for me). to be honest with you- i really don't give 2 craps about the scale (well okay a little), i just want NO JIGGLE in my middle. that is where i gain my weight and that's the last place i lose it. i always thought my diet was the "missing culprit" of my weight being where i want it. now my diet is 99.99999% perfect and it's not making much difference. which is a bit discouraging. i work out 5-6 days a week, Zumba and lifting. i refuse to say "i'm 35 and it is what it is." to me that's an excuse. "muscle weighs more than fat" though true, is also an excuse that is WAY over used. sorry such a long post... but dang that feels good to get that off my chest!
