Looking to educate myself - recommendations??

Hi, I am in the UK and looking to educate myself better in terms of nutition, metabolism etc. I exercise regularly and eat well and (until 2 weeks ago) had reached a plateau. I am now on the move again (even if it is only half a pound at a time) but would like to understand the science behind food, exercise a little more. I have heard that Jillian Michaels' Master your Metabolism' is quite good although quite US focused, so was considering buying that. But just wondered if folks had any other ideas for accessible reads? Thanks.


  • bump :)
  • bump
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Lyle McDonald's website. The man is a freaking genius.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The most science based, easy to understand, nutrition information that I have found comes from the Harvard School of Public Health website.

  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I have some friends who really like the Jillian Michaels book. One of them is actually doing her new 60 day plan (maybe 90 day?) it's based on that theory. I started reading Christine Avanti's books and I like them - "Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads" and "Skinny Chicks Eat Real Food". The first one she talks about balancing carbs and protein to help balance your blood sugar levels - which makes sense to me and actually helps me as I'm hypoglycemic. I just started the second book. It's focused on eating real food as opposed to processed crap. When I did WW I ate a lot of low-fat, fat-free...well...crap that eventually made me really sick. I could never go completely over the way that "Skinny B!tch" tells you to but I like the idea of eating less processed food. When I was in college and rowing crew, I had Nancy Clark's "Sport Nutrition Guidebook" that I absolutely loved. I still have a copy of it. Unfortunately I don't have alot of information that is UK specific, so I"m sorry I can't be more helpful in that area. Good luck!
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    If you're looking for a movie, watch "Forks Over Knives"

    If you're wanting to read a book, read "The China Study"

    If you like short videos on the internet, go to www.nutritionfacts.org

    These are all great starting points.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Two for you...

    Steve Troutman's article on nutrition for weight loss - everything you'll ever need on one single screen!

    Lyle McDonald's site - unbelievable wealth of study-backed information for if you want to delve deeper than Steve's 101.
  • Thanks so much everyone! Much appreciated. x
  • I think The Optimum Nutrition Bible by Dr Patrick Holford is brilliant.
  • mxcatala
    mxcatala Posts: 19 Member