Need SOME New Friends to give me Support and Motivation!

:tongue: I am 26 years old and I just started maybe 1 week ago, I need people that know what its like to have such a struggle in thier life, I need Motivation!!! I need to know that people are going through the same struggles as me. Im tired of hearing you could be so pretty if you just lost weight. This I hear from skinny people, and its very emabarassing...and i just feel like they are saying im ugly. :( So i need Help from people that know what its like to be the biggest one in the group..


  • gretchann917
    hey girl! I'll be yo friiiennddd!! :)
  • Littlerunner0514
    Littlerunner0514 Posts: 42 Member
    Hey im here too!!!
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. I really like this site because everyone is very friendly, motivated and willing to help out if asked. If you would like to become friends just shoot me a request. :)
  • OliveJuice1984
    I'm with ya! I'm very much lacking motivation when it comes to exercising. Just remember to not overwhelm yourself. Take steps. I think I kind of overwhelmed myself because I'm eating healthier, quit drinking Mt Dew (my crack), quit smoking and started on an anti depressant within a month’s time. I have felt a bit overwhelmed but I'm pushing through it. But if I could start over again I think I'd give myself a little more time in-between.

    So I'm taking it slow with exercising since it seems to be my biggest lack of motivation activity. I'm doing little things to work myself up to working out every day. Before I would have someone shovel the snow from my driveway (I live in Alaska) but now I'm doing it myself, just to give an example. I wish you the best of luck and would love to help support and motivate you!
  • Andufrene
    Hi, I just started last week! You can add me, Anyone!!