Is it bad to not eat if you're hungry?

Was wondering what happens when you've hit your calorie goal for the day but find you get hungry later... it doesn't feel that healthy to NOT eat when hungry..

Any good low calorie suggestions that will help tide me over on late study nights?


  • yanna24
    Apples I find are good. Have a low fat/low cal yogurt with some wheat germ in it to give it some added fiber. Maybe snack on some fruit or veggies, skip the dip.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    That's why there's a bag of baby carrots in the fridge. Low cal, high fibre and just all round good for you plus I find chewing them slowly seems to make my hunger disappear.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Try a tall glass of cold water then wait 15 minutes. Sometimes the brain confuses thirst for hunger. If you r still hungry 15 minutes after the water, have a low cal snack like plain popcorn with pepper on it or chili powder.(It's better than you think)!
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Was wondering what happens when you've hit your calorie goal for the day but find you get hungry later... it doesn't feel that healthy to NOT eat when hungry..

    Any good low calorie suggestions that will help tide me over on late study nights?

    Hunger is often a physocological thing, not a physiological thing. With that being said.. IF you're dieting you're likely to be hungry. LOL.
  • MunchMonster
    MunchMonster Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks all - will stock up on healthy snacks this weekend for such occasions! :P