About to give up! Started 2 weeks ago and have lost ZERO pou

I could really use some motivation, tips, ideas on how to get these pounds off.

I started counting my calories 15 days ago. MFP had me at 1200 calories. I have a feeling i was eating between 2000-2500 calories prior to joining MFP. So starting at 1200 was painful.

After 3 days of being on 1200 calories - i was starving all the time and felt i couldn't really focus on anything but feeling hungry so i upped my calories to my BMR which is 1420. Still slightly hungry but not so much anymore.

My major problem is - after being on this for 2 weeks I have lost ZERO pounds. I am so frustrated. I've seen so many people on here losing a bunch of weight in their first two weeks. I don't know what i'm doing wrong but i am on the verge of giving up.

Has anyone else experienced this in the beginning and do you have any tips of motivational words for me? I am honestly on the verse of giving up MFP... so tired that after all the hard work i am seeing no results.

Oh and BTW i (cardio) workout about 3-4 times a week and have been eating some of my exercise calories. Feel free to check out my diary to see what i may be doing wrong. Thanks so much in advance.


  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Your diary isn't open for the public to see.

    Are you taking measurements? You could be losing inches but not pounds.

    Are you weighing the same day, same time, and same circumstances each week?

    It takes time to see results... just because one person got results doesn't mean you will.

    Are you tracking properly? Measuring EVERYTHING? Eyeballing it doesn't work.

    Drinking enough water? Limiting sodium? Getting enough fibre and protein?
  • marbit
    marbit Posts: 108
    I second she who is above me, we will need to see your diary to offer any kind of guidance. All her questions are reasonable, but keep at it. It took years for the weight to come on, so it may take a few weeks for it to start showing.

    Most important though, measure your inches. I stayed at the same weight on the scale for 3 weeks and I was in tears till I realised that my jeans that had previously cut off my circulation were literally falling off of me.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    I can testify to the fact that not losing pounds doesn't mean anything! I posted yesterday http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/506175-not-losing-pounds-but-losing-inches-here-s-motivation about not losing anything after my first couple of days but the inches are coming off so I don't care!
  • samiam321123
    samiam321123 Posts: 38 Member
    I find that when I go from sedentary to working out my body holds on to the weight for a little bit and then it starts to drop off. It's like you've shocked your body and it's trying to hold on to all the fuel you're putting in it.
  • conidiring
    conidiring Posts: 230 Member
    Giving up after two weeks, wow!! It takes your body a little while to jump on board with what you are doing. Keep up with it, don't compare yourself to what anyone else is doing. Everyone is different. You don't want to be think next year at this time that you wished you would have kept with it. I also think that you were eating too little, now that you've upped your calories a bit you might see some change. And yes, you should take measurements and pictures so that you have something to compare to when the scale doesn't want to cooperate with you. Good luck to you, you can do it.
  • 2012dancingqueen
    2012dancingqueen Posts: 58 Member
    Your diary isn't open for the public to see.

    Oh... just fixed that! Thanks!
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I have a strong feeling that if you up your water intake that you'll start to see pounds drop off. At least the 64 ounces of water a day but if possible I'd shoot for about a gallon. You'll pee a ton, which gets annoying, but after awhile the trips will be less frequent and I'm willing to bet you'll notice a difference after a week. When I first started I dropped about 3-4 lbs that I'm pretty certain were due to water intake.
  • obmckenzie
    obmckenzie Posts: 75 Member
    Have you tried to lose weight before or did you exercise a lot before and then stopped and put on the pounds?Also how much do you have to lose?

    I started MFP in January and I didn't lose anything for the first 3 weeks. I didn't gain either though, so I knew I was on the right track. After that I joined Jenny Craig. I had lots weight with them before and I loved the Jenny food so I went back. Since going back I've only dropped about a pound a week. I haven't seen the dramatic first few weeks loss like I did last time. I have to admit that was frustrating as hell.

    My guy joined with me and dropped like 10lbs his first week, sure it was mostly water weight but still. He had it and I didn't. So we tweaked my diet and I'm focusing on drinking water and getting active.

    Last time I did this I was a runner/jogger. I was at the gym all the time on the treadmill. My consultant thinks that is the reason why I'm not seeing dramatic losses. She think it might be more of a struggle to loose for me this time around because of that. so we've been doing measurements. I hardly see movement on the scale but the inches have been dropping off nicely.
  • kazzamcamille
    kazzamcamille Posts: 117 Member
    Up your calories, you maybe eating too few. Your body may think it is "starving" and holding onto the weight.
  • jwalker7775
    Try limiting your sugars. That has made a HUGE difference for me. I started watching what I eat in November and as of today I have reached my first goal of 20 pounds lost. I was drinking coke every day and eating whatever I could find, chocolate, little debbies, chips cookies...whatever. I have now substituted all the bad for good...fruits, nuts, wheat thins...It has made a big difference in weight AND inches. And I just started this week walking with a co-worker during lunch...hoping to lose a total of 50 pounds by the end of the year.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Keep at it! I was completely bummed this week when I realised I'd put two pounds back on, but I've lost inches, so something must be happening. Give your body some time to adjust to the new plan, and if you're still having a hard time in a couple of weeks then reassess :) Don't lose heart just yet! :)
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    I would just say - do you really account for oil? I.e. you know 1 tbsp of oil is quite a lot and of course (I use garlic puree a lot) even 10g of that is 40 cals and it all adds up....... but honestly - tap measure everything! My mum recently has been doing the same and has not lost anything but when I saw her the other day she looked much more narrower and she said she lost inches but the scales said nothing!
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Please DO NOT give up on your goal. As the others stated, we can not and should not go by what others are losing. You might be building muscle, which as we know, weighs more than fat. And at the start, I think that if we lose fast, it might just be water weight? So, just keep at it and before you know it, the pounds will drop. Last year before I knew of this site, and just did my own thing, I swear to gosh, one day I stepped on the scale and had lost like 5 pounds over night. Now we know that is not possible of course, unless we were prepping for a colonoscopy. lol Hang in there and it will work.
  • Onemoodycuss
    Onemoodycuss Posts: 95 Member
    Don't give up. Keep in mind that everyone is different. When I first started doing the whole MFP thing I lost weight then hit a wall. For about two weeks I didn't lose anything, but I didn't gain any weight, either. Stick with it. It could just be that your body needs to get used to the new program. Once it does, with the exercise and health eating combo (I don't like to call it dieting) your body won't be able to help but give you the results you're looking for.

    Start collecting friends to motivate you. Add me if you'd like.
  • KeishaK89
    are you drinking enough water?

    try taking a fiber supplement ... I recommend PGX

    Are you exercising? Exercise is KEY

    also, sugar is the devil. I do not add sugar to a single thing I eat now. Instead I get natural sugars from fruit and veg.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Overall it looks okay. Here's what I would say about your diary-try to be more consistent about filling it out completely. Including your water.

    Don't give up after two weeks. In fact, most people do not see results that quickly. I didn't. You really need to give your body 4-6 weeks before you start expecting the scale to move. Before then, you should be able to see measurements changing, your body feeling better, and other changes within. The scale is not your only standard by which to measure. Don't give up.
  • KeishaK89
    I would also like to add that consistency is the key to success. It took a very long time to gain all the weight, have patients.
  • lowerys81
    I'm goign to say, eliminate the steak fajita's....way to many calories to be eating everyday. Save that for once a week. And where are your veggies? Seeing very little on that. Try and keep your carbs under 100 a day, increase your protein and veggies. I have a sure fire way for you to lose 15-25 pounds on a 21 day detox diet. If your interested message me and I'll share. It's hard, but I only did it for 7 days and lost 10 pounds. It was a great jump start to my goal weight, and I'm keeping it off and slowly losing more weight.

    Do give up, you have to give your body a chance to deal with the changes.
  • Never2Bz
    Never2Bz Posts: 90 Member
    Commitment is key... fill in all your info like goals, reasons for being at MFP, etc. Put yourself out there... we are a community that helps, shares, leans on... whatever is needed to get through. I started at 1200 cals until my first 10 lbs. were lost. Then I reduced to 1100 cals until the next 10 were lost. I'm now at 1000 cals and handling it fine. I am focused on an event at the end of April so I'm extremely motivated. Some say you shouldn't lose weight for one event. I know from previous experience that it works for me, but my plans are (this time) to continue this healthier lifestyle, AND, continue with MFP support and my wonderful pals when I'm on a maintenance plan. Stay focused... we don't judge... we all want success... we all care about each other. Way to Go joining MFP... now get ready to change your life! Waahoo!
  • 2012dancingqueen
    2012dancingqueen Posts: 58 Member
    I have a strong feeling that if you up your water intake that you'll start to see pounds drop off. At least the 64 ounces of water a day but if possible I'd shoot for about a gallon. You'll pee a ton, which gets annoying, but after awhile the trips will be less frequent and I'm willing to bet you'll notice a difference after a week. When I first started I dropped about 3-4 lbs that I'm pretty certain were due to water intake.

    I actually drink a lot more than i report. I think i usually do about 16-18 cups a day.