About to give up! Started 2 weeks ago and have lost ZERO pou



  • Oh and consistency really is the key, your kinda all over the place with your calories. Try to stick to 1500 everyday and then cut back a little every few days.
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Id suggest weighing your food and reporting everything in grams. I wouldnt be surprised if you are actually eating a couple hundred more calories a day then your are recording.
  • I started just under two weeks ago, my goal is to lose 6 stone (84lbs for our US friends), I have decided to weigh myself once a month, to stop me becoming obsessed with the scales, and have taken measurements and three "before photo's", one from the front one from the rear and one from the side, I am hoping on the 1st March to have lost something but it is the weigh in on 1st April that will show any real difference, I will also be taking the three photo's on each weigh in day too for comparison.
    Stick with it girlie, to lose weight, its not a sprint but a marathon, remember and to keep it off we need to change our eating routines!....good luck.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    this is not meant to be be mean but seriously if your thinking about giving up after two weeks you might want to ask yourself how serious you were about dieting in the first place and how you're going to over come a true plateau that can last over a month. take some measurements and stay off the scale for a month then decide if dieting is for you. On a more helpful note you have some meal skipping in your diary, you eat a lot of packaged food so you might start tracking sodium because it can cause water retention, soy products reduce metabolism also double check what you are logging in as I can't imagine your oatmeal chocolate chip cookie with no carbs is correct. You might also find out if your gym has a personal trainer or nutritionist they are very helpful and can customize a plan for you that goes beyond anything any of us can say just interacting with your diary.
  • It took me nearly a month to lose. HAng in there it will come off just stay strong and focused!
  • CD220
    CD220 Posts: 10
    It's not easy at all. Stick to it, drink your water and split up your calories into small portions throughout the day
  • If you're going about this the right way, this is probably a good sign, that you're not losing lots of water and no fat, but the water is still there and helping you get you're body in prime condition to start burning the fat the healthy and forever way. Plus if you've started weight training it may take a while for you're body to adjust.
  • I have noticed that when you add your exercise it increases your daily calories. Which in effect is not going to help loose weight. If you have a set calorie count, the exercise is what will help you loose the weight, but if you are then eating the earned calories, in efffect you will stay the same. So my advise would be not to add the exercise. please correct me if im wrong or if i havent explained myself well.
  • The first time I weighed in after tracking calories I lost 4 lbs, then the next week I lost 1 lb, the week after that I lost 5 lbs then the next week nothing and this week I gained 1 lb.

    I work out between 3-5 times a week doing cardio and alternating upper/lower body weights. I drink about 8 glasses a water a day. I also started taking measurements the first time I started and then 6 weeks after and I had lost 10.5 inches.

    I also weigh in exactly the same day every week (Tuesdays) and always in the morning.

    Don't give up this really works, it just takes some time.

    I also try to eat my daily calories and I try not to touch my exercise calories. From what I've read some people eat them and some eat half of them. If I'm extra hungry I try to eat more vegetables or fruit and I keep my snacks to about 100-110 calories.

    You can try eating smaller meals throughout the day instead of having 3 meals, or have 3 meals and 3 snacks. I try to keep my breakfast,lunch and dinner at about 500 calories or just over so I have room to snack.

    You can do it!
  • I thought I had lost 0 weight for a couple of weeks but when I checked I had lost 11 inches, please make sure you measure as well, sometimes we are gaining muscle while we lose fat so the scale will not be moving.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Just a thought: my first 2 months I lost a total of 4 lbs...but I'm sure glad I didn't give up!!!
    You can do it! Find what works for you & keep your eye on the prize, A HEALTHY, SEXY, HAPPY YOU!!! :flowerforyou:
  • NTBlade
    NTBlade Posts: 6 Member
    You don't seem to have answered wether or not you started exercising at the same time as you started MFP.

    I started running 4 times per week at the beginning of the year and the weight is only just starting to slowly shift now partly because I've been building muscle which is heavier than fat and partly because it wasn't until I started using online calorie counters that I realised just what I'm eating!
    Everyone has been telling me they can see a big difference but it wasn't really showing on the scales. Two weeks isn't long so keep at it and do _NOT_ consider any sort of crash / detox diet!

    Hope this helps
  • For the first time I am losing slowly because I believe that is the way to have long term success. Also I find that if I keep a food journal I am better about tracking every thing I eat.
    Also if you believe you are on a "diet" you may not do as well as if you go on a calorie reduction journey. I absolutely refuse to go on a "diet" because then I feel deprived.
    Yesterday I had a ice cream cone from McDonald's and went to the grocery store. Kept me on track and feeling proud I did not add 2 apple pies to my order :).
    It is the little things that keep us going so set small goals and dream big.
    Good luck.
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
    Are you wearing a HRM for your exercise? Just wondering if you think you are burning more calories than you are. Other posters have said that weighing food is important when you start out... you will soon be able to fairly accurately eyeball 4 oz of fish or 1/2 cup of veggies... but until then you should weight it. Also, water intake is important as well. Keep it up, really 15 days is not long at all. The real question is also... do you feel any better?
  • First of all, please dont give up...def give this more time! I know you are getting discouraged because other people are losing weight much faster, but everyone is different. Have you ever had your thyroid checked?
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    Don't give up yet!! Keep up the exercise and eating at BMR calories and concentrate on two things: drink tons of water (70-80 ounces at least) and lower your sodium intake.
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    and i also STRONGLY agree with weighing and measuring your food. Eventually you'll get to the point where you can eyeball it, but not in the beginning!!!!!
  • Looking at your diary this is what I see: a lot of processed/packaged foods and treats, and not very many vegetables. Make sure your carbohydrates are coming from whole foods. Vegetables are good filler because they have fiber and water.

    I know the whole debate about calories in vs. calories out being all that matters, but from personal experience I've noticed that the quality of my calories makes a big difference. I did 1300 a day type diets where most of my food was processed and I was never satisfied and I didn't lose much weight. I eat anywhere from 1500-1900 cal on most days and I lose just fine, the difference is I try to eat foods that are more nutritious and satisfying.

    Don't give up on yourself, but make sure you're making the right changes and not just trying to meet a certain number of calories.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I have a strong feeling that if you up your water intake that you'll start to see pounds drop off. At least the 64 ounces of water a day but if possible I'd shoot for about a gallon. You'll pee a ton, which gets annoying, but after awhile the trips will be less frequent and I'm willing to bet you'll notice a difference after a week. When I first started I dropped about 3-4 lbs that I'm pretty certain were due to water intake.

    I actually drink a lot more than i report. I think i usually do about 16-18 cups a day.

    OK well that's more than enough then. What about sodium and sugar? I didn't worry to much about them when I was bulking but now that I'm back to cutting I'm trying to keep both under control. Sugar has always been my achilles because of the evil known as Snickers.
  • aprilshowers262
    aprilshowers262 Posts: 96 Member
    when i first started, i wasn't losing either. i had changed so much about my life and zip was happening. then all of a sudden, it was. the pounds have started to melt off. hang in there. DO NOT GIVE UP!! You have a great support system on here. Results WILL happen. Be patient. You will be so proud of yourself when you see that the work you're doing is paying off.