
  • loveowens1
    loveowens1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I am new here.. My goals is to lose the 25lbs that I have gained these last couple of months and then lose another 20lbs. I had lapband surgery in 2009 and I had lost 100lbs but have now since have gained 25lbs of that back by not making good food choices and lack of consistent exercise. I work at a Bariatric office that specializes in patients that are wanting to lose weight non-surgically and surgically and I am familiar with what I need to do but I am looking to meet some new people for support and be of support to others with the experience that I have had. I need to do better with my diet and exercise and hope to find some encouragement and give encouragement along the way. Please add me as a friend :happy:
  • Hey I've had MFP about 2 weeks still kinda new looking for more friends anyone can add me :)
  • sezziejm
    sezziejm Posts: 147 Member
    Hi, i need to lose 95lb...feel free to add me :)
  • Llorraine11
    Llorraine11 Posts: 350 Member
    hello :)
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I'm relatively new to MFP and have 35 - 45 more pounds to go to my goal weight (22 lost so far!)
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    Feel free to add me I signed up back in '09 but got discourged and gave up so I'm looking for friends to motivate too,Good luck everyone..I'm hoping to loose about 100lbs
  • 1981simm
    1981simm Posts: 123 Member
    Feel free to add me can never have too many supportive friends
  • Hello! I have about 35-40 pounds to lose and I would love some friends! I am doing this with my mom and sister, but they aren't using fitness pal. I would use some support besides them, cause they are a little naughty some times and it makes me feel like I should be to. Best of luck to all of you!
  • Hi everyone....I'm Lisa. I don't have alot of weight to lose, but I want to keep off what I have lost. I lost 25 pounds before I became pregnant in 2010, gained 40 pounds with the pregnancy and lost all the weight, but have gained a few pounds back. I don't think it matters how much we all have to lose, we all still suffer with the same anxieties about food and our weight. Anyone, please feel free to add me as accountability and motivation helps us all, I think. I have loved using this site since a friend of mine told me about it. Good luck to everyone meeting their goals one day at a time.
  • Hi there! I've been on here about a month I think. I'm finally getting brave and reading posts. I have not lost any weight and I'm just a bit frustrated. So I would love to have friends to support and be supported. Only need to lose 20 pounds but seeking to lose it by June 30th. {sigh} So bring the new friends on............bring the support on...........bring the suggestions on...........and we can all support each other!:happy:
  • tlynkay178
    tlynkay178 Posts: 9 Member
    Feel free to add me never can have too much support. I've been on MFP since Jan of this year lost 12.6 lbs so far and feeling great have about 72 lbs to go reach my goal weight. Good luck to all hope everyone reaches their goal weight.
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Welcome and you can friend me anytime!! Best of wishes on this journey!!
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    Request sent! I would love a new friend.
  • Hi there ive been here since Jan 3rd and I love it, wish Id found this years ago, I have loads to lose but im staying positive , happy for you to add me if you would like too :-)
  • I do the same thing I'm about 30lbs from my goal (lost over 100lbs) but never seem to allow mself to get to my goal.
  • Anastacia1119
    Anastacia1119 Posts: 157 Member
    You can all add me as well! I need all the motivation I can get. Started about a month ago!
  • Leahb21
    Leahb21 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I signed up for Fitness pal a while back however I have not been consistently using it. I have set up a reminder on my phone and on my computer to prompt me each day to log in. Im hoping that will help. As well as some of the groups I have joined.

    My goal is 50-75. I’m positive I can do it with a bit of support. Anything is possible with encouragement Please feel free to add me. :smile:
  • shannypoo21
    shannypoo21 Posts: 329 Member
    I have already loss 40 pounds since March of last year and will like to lose about 30 more. Feel free to add me as well.
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    Hey everybody!

    I started on here 4 weeks ago. I am 55 years old, and really just got tired of not feeling "good". I have a short-term goal to lose 50 lbs before I go on vacation to Cancun in Memorial Day. I'm happy to report that, with the accountability MyFitnessPal helps me to have, and with the Wellness Director where I work, so far I have lost 15 lbs, and feeling good! My friend and I are taking Salsa and Merengue dance lessons in preparation for our trip. Having a BLAST!!

    My long-term goal is...optimistic. I don't mind telling your I am 6'6". When I started my fitness program, I was 370 lbs. Everyone has always said, "But, you're so tall, you carry it well." Pshaw. I don't want to carry it anymore. Well. Poorly. I don't care. I'm tired of "carrying it. I'm now at 355, and my goal, by Memorial Day, 2013, is to be at 230. I have a long way to go, so I'm just going to enjoy the ride!

    By the way, I am truly inspired by my mom. She would KILL me if put age, etc. on here. But, every day she gets up and does yoga, or her Jane Fonda workout, or her Raquel Welch workout, or on nice days, she walks the neighborhood. For Christmas, I got her a Pilates workout CD. She said it's a challenge, but she really likes it. How cool is SHE!!!

    I love reading everyone's stories on here. So, keep up the good work!!! And, appreciate every day. They are all precious!

    WTG MOM!! That's fantastic! Good luck with your journey. You have a great attitude, I am sure you'll be succesful!
  • Hello!! Been here for a minute now, but today is the day i want to be able to find some motivation find some new friends and and get to a healthy start...Feel free to Add Me:) have a bless day!!