bloating everyday

I can wake up in the morning feeling great, and I feel like I look good. Then I eat a small breakfast and start working out withh my water. Then half way through my cardio workout I am so crazy bloated I look about 5 months pregnant. Does anyone else have this problem and are there any ways to help this.


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    What are you eating for breakfast? I find that wheat and sugars make me feel really bloated.
  • Just depends. Sometimes a cereal bar, sometimes fruit and sometimes just a bowl of cereal. Whatever sounds good that day I guess.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    When you eat something and then do immediate high-intensity exercise your body shuts down your digestive process while it tries to handle the stress from the exercise. (Yes lots of intense exercise - i.e. chronic cardio - is stress and the body will treat it as such).

    Google chronic cardio.

    Give your stomach a chance to break down the food (food takes about 1-2 hours to leave your stomach).

    When I stopped eating grains, flour, sugar, beans and most fruit and dairy I lost my tummy bloat (I'm 41 years old and this is the first time I've had a flat tummy. I went Primal just as an experiment and got the greatest shock of my life).

    My daily calories are around 60-70% natural fats (turned out it wasn't fat making me gain weight - it was the carbs). Fats like animal fats (only if pastured. I buy lean cuts of conventional meat and add fat. All the crap from the unnatural diet of cattle - they're grass eaters, not grain eaters - ends up in their fat reserves), bacon fat (from uncured bacon), pastured butter (loads of Vitamins A,E,D,K); coconut oil, olive and avocado oil.

    (carbs also make the body retain sodium and therefore retain water and bloat you up. It's not specifically the salt, it's once again the carbs)
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    Certain dairy products will cause bloating. Do a trial and error self test with your foods. Cut out certain ones for a at least three days and see if there's a difference. Sodium will also cause bloating, and it doesn't take much. Start checking the sodium on everything you eat and split it up during the day so it's not too much at one sitting. You can change your diary setting to include sodium. Good luck.
  • Are you having any other systoms? I had this issue for quite a few months last year, along with other digestive issues. No matter what I would eat, my stomach would eventually bloat so that I looked 5-6 months pregnant. It was quite embarassing, not to mention worrisome. I tried cutting out dairy, gluten, etc. and nothing worked. I went to various doctors, including a GI specialist, who just told me to eat more fiber and exercise. I know that eating more fiber and certain foods can cause you to bloat, but eventually your body should adjust. Unfortunately I never did figure out what was causing the bloating but it did resolve on its own. I think the healthier eating and exercise did help but sometimes there can be underlying issues. If it continues I would have it checked out. Despite one doctor who thought I was being vain and basically told me I was fat (yes, I'm aware that I have gained 15 pounds, but thanks for reminding me) I know I wasn't crazy. I was still in a healthy weight range and and apple should not cause someone to look 6 months pregnant! I do believe there was something wrong that they just couldn't figure out. I don't want to worry you, but just keep an eye on it.
  • bump
  • Me too! I was eating oatmeal with fruit and nuts/seeds. Now, for breakfast, I eat an egg, with greens and white/black beans, and feel much better.