Any Polar FT40 or Polar FT7 users??

Hey MFP, I was thinking of purchasing a new Polar HRM.. right now I have a Polar FT4, and have been using it for about 5 months now. I've decided to buy a new one.. more of an "upgrade" lol, was wondering if any of you who own either a FT40 or FT7 could give me some reviews, thanks! :)


  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    I've been shopping as well. I've pretty much decided on the FT40. I'd be interested in other opinions too.
  • lexagon
    lexagon Posts: 495 Member
    I just got an FT7 last week I think and I love it so far. It's pretty straight forward, nothing super complicated. As far as accuracy goes it seems on par with others. The chest strap is pretty comfy, in fact most times I don't even realize it's there. The watch portion is a little big, but not bad and you could probably take it off and just put it on the cardio equip you are using, the range is decent.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I just ordered the FT60.
    I'll let you know how i like it when it arrives.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    I've been using the FT7 for quite some time now - LOVE IT! Only problem I encountered was after a lil while, the battery on the chest strap was going kaput - but there's no indication of such - it just doesn't register with the watch. But I didn't see that as a real issue.

    I especially like that on my birthday, a cake appears on the watch face... taunting my inner fat kid...
  • Babsvii
    Babsvii Posts: 177 Member
    i ordered the FT60 it should be here this week :) can't give you a review on it yet but i will update when i can :)
  • mjok31
    mjok31 Posts: 84
    I have the FT7 and I love it. But if you have the FT4 there really isn't a big difference between them. FT7 will hold up to 100 workouts and you can buy additional item to beable to download ur info from the watch to ur computer to track your workouts...I don't have this and don't plan on getting it. I was looking between the FT4 and FT7, the only reason I got the 7 was because it was cheaper at the time.
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Ooo you can get a pink FT4 now, I'm jealous as I have the boring grey one :(
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I have an FT80 that I have used on and off for almost a year. What kind of thing do you want to know about it?

    For me, it works great, I like the features and ability to upload the data and track it. The chest band is comfortable enough. The weight trainining features on the FT80 are pretty useful to keep you on track and not wasting time sitting.

    I have 2 complaints, though. The watch is uncomfortable for me, but I am a large framed guy. My wrist bones are too wide for the band and it is molded, so you can't do much about it. I usually don't wear it. The second complaint is that if I wear it at the gym, all the machines within about a 10 ft radius pick up my heartrate! Seems a little bit overkill and might annoy the people around me (I've never asked or had anyone say anything) so I don't usually wear it unless I am outside.
  • tammy1005
    I have the FT7 and I love it!! Highly recommend it
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    My BF has the FT7 and absolutely loves it. But he's now jealous of my new, shinny FT40. It has a lot more functionality than his FT7. It has a lot more options and views. It is a little more versatile. It stores more data. It allows you to watch calories or heart rate or zone while working out, where the 7 only allows you to see heart rate. If you have the extra cash, shell out for the FT40. It is incredibly easy to use, when you look up the user manual online. And it just has a bunch of nice features to it.
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    I love my Polar FT7, but if you are looking to upgrade from your FT4, the 7 is not much of an upgrade. It has the same features with 3 small additional stores 100 workouts instead of 7 like the FT4 does, it has the "mode" setting where it shows you when you are in Fat Burn vs Fitness modes and you can set the watch to help you maintain a heart range, and its capable of uploading to the computer. I think those are the only difference between the FT7 and the FT4.

    If I was going to upgrade from my FT7 i would probably look at the FT60 or FT80 or beyond. But it all depends on how much $$$$ you wan to spend and what your training needs are.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    First question - why replace a HRM that's only 5 months old? Are there specific features you're looking for?

    I have an FT7 and I use it for indoor activities (not much of an "upgrade" from an FT4). Are you running or cycling outdoors? If so perhaps it would make sense to keep the FT4 and think about picking up a Garmin GPS/HRM product.