
staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
hi folks! welcome to this week's thread!

someone recently asked whether we do weigh-in's. we do not.
i know for me that would be too much pressure, plus i'm a scale addict and weigh myself constantly.

however, we do share our successes and challenges all the time. we are here to support and encourage one another. being a sahm or wahm is rewarding but also difficult in finding time for our good health. this thread is excellent for helping you reach your goals.
like marla said last week, you can do this! use this thread and the others to keep you motivated and accountable.

my goals for this week:
drink my h20
eat 2 veges/day

see you all soon :flowerforyou:


  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    busy monday?? well i haven't kept to my cals today--oreos and fruity pebbles will do that to you! :grumble:

    will do bettertomorrow--espec if i can get to the grocery store tonight.

  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hi! I'm back from the mountains! I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!

    Stacey, I'm glad to hear you had a great vacation. I had a wonderful time. It was much cooler there, and beautiful weather most of the time. I got a lot of different exercise in. I helped my hubby repair the front porch on MIL's vacation house, which included lifting part of the porch w/ a makeshift lever and hammering numerous nails into boards (all this was easier than it sounds). We also went on a tour of Bristol Caverns, which had many, many flights of stairs. I did well on logging my food into my journal until we went to the community 4th festivities Saturday evening. I completely lost track of what all I ate and ended up not logging anything the rest of the time. But tomorrow is a new day.

    my goals for tomorrow (I'm taking it one day at a time right now):
    drink all 8 glasses of h20
    eat close to my cals

    Good night!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi amy! welcome home! mtns are incredible. i grew up in flatland IL and am so grateful to my husb for bringing me West. we married and lived in denver first and then salt lake. and i am so in love with that country!!

    you did work hard! good for you.

    i changed up my goals this week b/c i want to keep things fresh--and b/c i don't want to get discouraged if i keep missing those targets. kwim?

    water has been easier today b/c i am so thirsty, from returning to the hot hot desert i am sure. veges are cuz i'm slacking on those. i ate a lot when i first started mfp but have dropped off. so i'm hoping to restart that.

    i'm also changing my exercise goal this week (but not in the mfp goals). i'm aiming for 300cals per day (tho 400 would be ideal). less about minutes and distance this week.
    i'll just see how that goes.

    it's taken me 4months to lose 12#. I have 3 more months till my reunion and i would like at least the remaining 6# gone--but 10# would be ideal. So that's what i'm aiming for. Which means---i MUST be more conscientious about my food choices. there aren't as many "tomorrows" so i better focus on what's good for me in the long term (not just in the moment).

    so that's where i am with things. check in as often as you'd like for extra support. you can do this!! you can surge ahead!!

    alright, time to put munchkins to bed. :happy:
  • TobieGirl
    TobieGirl Posts: 15
    Hi - I'm new to the site as of today. Tired of feeling and looking the way I do. Need some motivation while I battle the pudge around the middle.

    My 'success' for today is joining MyFitnessPal
    Goals for the week are: drink my 8 glasses of water and do 30 minutes of exercise a day
    Not go overboard on carbs (I'm a Type 2 diabetic).

    Anyone out there want to hold me accountable and encourage me? I'll do the same for you.

  • bensmama
    bensmama Posts: 5
    Hello everyone. I'm new to this site, but am so excited to have this new tool to use on my journey.

    I'm a SAHM to a 6 month old little boy. I worked right up to his arrival. I really need to finally get this done. He deserves a mom that is healthy and confidant. I want to take him to our beautiful florida beaches and all the parks we have to offer. I'm sick of not going out because of embarassment. I'm currently 238 and my current goal is 150. I need all the help and support I can get!

    Is there any way to tag a board so we don't have to dig?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm new to this site, but am so excited to have this new tool to use on my journey.

    I'm a SAHM to a 6 month old little boy. I worked right up to his arrival. I really need to finally get this done. He deserves a mom that is healthy and confidant. I want to take him to our beautiful florida beaches and all the parks we have to offer. I'm sick of not going out because of embarassment. I'm currently 238 and my current goal is 150. I need all the help and support I can get!

    Is there any way to tag a board so we don't have to dig?

    i don't know how to "tag" per se, but you once you post in a thread, you can find it again by clicking "my topics" w/in the "community" tab.

    welcome! and don't be embarrassed abt going to the parks, etc! don't wait on living your life while you work on reaching your goals! live each day your best and keep working at it! :flowerforyou:

    also there are tons of diff teams and challenges you canjoin to keep you focused and inspired. there are loads of great ppl on this site.

    so your son is ben?? that's my little boy's name too. he is 2.5y.o.

    welcome to you and our other new mommy! check you later--
  • I just wanted to share that I've reached a milestone in my workout plan. In the beginning I was only able to run in the elliptical for 15 minutes(this when I first started). I've slowly and gradually improved and as of yesterday I'm doing 45 minutes NON STOP!!! and I'm going full speed, giving it my all. I'm very happy and proud of myself. A month ago I thought I'd never make it. There's lots of hope out there! WoooHooo Go Me:drinker:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Welcome, TobieGirl and Ben's Mama! :flowerforyou:

    Congratulations Francis! That's great! :drinker:

    Stacey, I love the mtns too. It was so peaceful sitting on the front porch swing looking out over the valley and looking at the beautiful, forest-covered mountain on the other side. Even the cloudy day was beautiful. The clouds were covering the top of the other mountain, and it just looked gorgeous, even w/out the sun shining. I have heard so many good things about both Denver & Salt Lake City. I'd love to go out west some day.

    Your new goals sound great! I kept the same goals since I didn't really have any goals on vacation. I didn't put swimming as a goal today since I knew I wouldn't have time to go to the pool. I did get to walk to the library w/ the kids. So far, I'm doing well on cals. I've already added my dinner even though I haven't eaten yet. Right now I have 178 left for the day. I'm at 5 glasses of h2o also.

    Have a great evening all!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Oh! I almost forgot to add that I was soooo happy when I weighed in this morning! Even after all I ate this weekend, I was DOWN 0.2 lb. It's not much, but since I was expecting a gain, I was excited!
  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    Hello :smile: I'm a 26 y/o SAHM to two boys ages 6 and 4. Glad to find a thread for SAHM's!

    I've been using MFP for a few weeks after finally giving up on . I'm just now delving into the forums. I've been veerrry slowly losing weight since August 2008. The holidays were extremely stressful, so I basically maintained and got back on the wagon in February. I'm in kind of a funny place right now--struggling to find the motivation to lose the last 10-15. I'm the lowest weight I've been in my adult life, and it's like I have a mental block against working towards going lower, even though I'm just barely in the healthy BMI range. I still struggle with a sugar/carb addiction, and have to work really hard to keep myself in check.

    I did well today. I needed a lower calorie day....last Friday my splurge day turned into an all-out binge that is still being reflected on the scale. I had fruit or veggie with every snack and meal. I also got in 40 mns. on the stairmaster. Exercise is really my strongest thing--I'm in the gym pretty much 7 days a week just because it makes me feel so good, and I hate how I feel on non-exercise days.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Welcome, Crunchytxmama! :flowerforyou:

    Our kids are close to the same ages. My son will be 7 in Sept, and my daughter is 5. And I can relate to having a sugar addiction, mine is chocolate. If it's in the house, I'll eat it. :grumble: This thread is great! I have found the motivation I've needed and have been inspired by others here. It really gives me the accountability that I need. I hope you find it just as useful.

    I feel I have pretty much made my goals today. I was only over my cals by 87. For me, that's outstanding! I had 7 glasses h20 today, only 1 short of my goal. I even did 11 min on the treadmill this evening. I walked slower than normal, but my toe was feeling pretty good today (continually wearing good shoes & taking the meds), so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm keeping an eye out on craigslist for a good, cheap, used exercise bike.

    Well, I'm signing off for the night. Have a great night everyone!
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Can I join?

    I'm a SAHM to our 2 year old daughter, Audrey. I love staying home with our daughter, but staying home also left me with an open kitchen and a love for baking so the pounds just started creeping on. Now it's my goal to shed those pounds, plus a few more so I can get back to the healthy weight I was when we first got married! Our five anniversary is in late October and we're doing a romantic vacation and I want to sport a hot new bikini!! I'm loving that I'm now in control of the food and I'm now always cooking & baking healthy recipes for my family.

    My goals for this week...
    get in cardio 4-5x this week
    drink my water
    eat clean
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I just wanted to share that I've reached a milestone in my workout plan. In the beginning I was only able to run in the elliptical for 15 minutes(this when I first started). I've slowly and gradually improved and as of yesterday I'm doing 45 minutes NON STOP!!! and I'm going full speed, giving it my all. I'm very happy and proud of myself. A month ago I thought I'd never make it. There's lots of hope out there! WoooHooo Go Me:drinker:

    congrats! isn't it so cool to see such real evidence of your improving health!! rock on! :drinker:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    yay! and great job losing that 0.2#. that counts---it's the downward trend we're going for. :happy:

    i'm not posting my gain yet. want to see how the rest of the weekpans out.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Can I join?

    I'm a SAHM to our 2 year old daughter, Audrey. I love staying home with our daughter, but staying home also left me with an open kitchen and a love for baking so the pounds just started creeping on. Now it's my goal to shed those pounds, plus a few more so I can get back to the healthy weight I was when we first got married! Our five anniversary is in late October and we're doing a romantic vacation and I want to sport a hot new bikini!! I'm loving that I'm now in control of the food and I'm now always cooking & baking healthy recipes for my family.

    My goals for this week...
    get in cardio 4-5x this week
    drink my water
    eat clean

    welcome! people drop in and out of this thread all the time--so come as often as you'd like. we get the special challenges of staying home--the temptations, time constraints, priorities etc. so this is a great thread for motivation and support.

    i love to bake too--i have to talk myself out of it regularly b/c i'd eat it all. plus i don't necessarily do healthy baking. more comfort faves.
    btw, have you ever gone to the blog definitely not a diet helper but a fun place just the same. :tongue:

    i'm gonna try to catch a few more z's b4 baby wakes up. puppy was a pain this am. and older girls are at mil's hotel for a sleepover.
    will check back later--
  • Thanks for the great post - I'm coming back to this site after not having lost...can't seem to stick to the diet longer than two days at a time...and can't lose weight that way!!!
    Maybe this will work..third time's a charm!!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Welcome, lesliemk! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome back thirdtimecharm! :flowerforyou:

    My daily goals are:
    drink 8 glasses h20
    eat w/in my cals
    walk 1/2 mile on the treadmill

    I noticed last night that walking as fast as I used to isn't good for me right now. (Duh!! Should have noticed that earlier! :laugh: ) I finally decided not to worry about speed or cals lost on the treadmill. I am going to concentrate on distance instead.
  • TobieGirl
    TobieGirl Posts: 15
    Amypyr -
    Good job on the downward loss!

    I think focussing on distance is a wonderful idea and will probably make you feel awesome once you realize just how far you walk.

    My daily goals are:
    8 glasses H20
    make healthy choices today
    30 minute bike ride

    yesterday's accomplishments:
    meeting a friend for a walk and ordering a healthy salad afterwards
    not snitching a single french fry off my friend's plate - even though I really wanted to! :)

    Keep up the great work everyone ~
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Amypyr -
    Good job on the downward loss!

    I think focussing on distance is a wonderful idea and will probably make you feel awesome once you realize just how far you walk.

    My daily goals are:
    8 glasses H20
    make healthy choices today
    30 minute bike ride

    yesterday's accomplishments:
    meeting a friend for a walk and ordering a healthy salad afterwards
    not snitching a single french fry off my friend's plate - even though I really wanted to! :)

    Keep up the great work everyone ~

    :laugh: re: fry--i had some of the kids' mc'd ones--:grumble:
    good job on yesterday's accomplishments!

    and amy--distance is a great idea! that's a huge motivator for me (see ticker)
    take it easy w/that toe. :flowerforyou:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello! I made my h20 goal! :drinker:

    Unfortunately, I missed on the other 2. I would have done well on the cals if it hadn't been for the cottage cheese & DH's Ghirardelli white chocolate. I didn't walk tonight since I had choir practice.

    Thank you for the support on the distance walking. I was concentrating so much the last couple of months on my walking speed that I completely lost focus on distance.

    re: fries - mc'd fries are hard to pass up! I used to finish eating my daughter's since she rarely finishes them. I'm lucky now that my son's appetite has picked up. Whatever Samantha doesn't finish, Will does.
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