A little bit of help....

I just started loosing weight around a week ago and I have a few questions. First of all I'm trying to loose around 200 pounds :x and I'm 18 years old. I'm working out 90 minutes a day by dancing using just dance. When I go to log it on mfp is says I burned 1083 calories... I feel like that might be too much? How can I see how many calories I'm burning dancing for 90 minutes? I know that weight and age all go to play a part on how many calories you burn. Also I was eating 1200 calories and now I bumped to 1400. How many calories should I be eating? Do I eat back some of the calories burned? Help!


  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    You should eat back a large chunk of your exercise calories, though it's hard to say how many. I recommend getting a heart rate monitor to help you get a more accurate reading on that. It would be well worth the investment, given the amount of weight you want to lose.
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    That does seem high for 90minuts of dancing. I bought my HRM more than 5 years ago and i LOVE it! I swim, bike, run with it. I have replaced the battery twice and its still goign strong. i have a polar F4, gives me HR and calories burned. In order to comment on calories we would need to know more.. how tall are you, what's your starting weight/goal weight and your activity level. Seems like 1400 may be a bit low for someone looking to lose that much.
  • heeytheresunshine
    heeytheresunshine Posts: 33 Member
    You should eat back a large chunk of your exercise calories, though it's hard to say how many. I recommend getting a heart rate monitor to help you get a more accurate reading on that. It would be well worth the investment, given the amount of weight you want to lose.
    That seems like a good idea, thank you.