I screwed up on my first day...



  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member
    YOU DIDN'T FAIL.. You did what you had to do for the day because of work etc. If you are only 30 calories over your calories for the day then that is no biggie. You worked a 10 hour shift and probably wore that off anyway. The 1200 calories most of us are given is a guide line to follow, for some it is far to low. Hang in there you are fine.

    I couldn't agree more!!!!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    30 calories over is not screwing up at all. You'll be 30 calories under some days, 30 over others. You're doing great!
  • BekahLuv
    BekahLuv Posts: 164
    Thanks everyone. You're all right! I'll work out a little harder than normal today and just aim to eat healthier tomorrow! I don't actually log my workouts, as I don't want to feel I have extra calories to eat when it subtracts the calories for the day. I do keep a log of what I do each day, though.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    30 calories one way or another is nothing, its less than 0.01lb difference in your weight loss.

    A learning point may be to work out some low calorie healthy snacks you can take with you to work, enough to beat the hunger of a long shift.
  • If you're eating at a deficit to lose weight, then you are STILL in a calorie deficit.
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    Don't b so hard on yourself. My second weekend was blown to smithereens, yet I continued on, and was no worse for it. Didn't gain any back, but didn't lose. I think once in a while it's ok to let go, as long as you can refocus. Hang in there, and try not to let the numbers haunt you so much.
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    Okay, before you say "fail" and screw yourself up lets get a little perspective here. You're 30 calories over for the day? that's NOTHING! you made some good choices, you probably didn't eat things you would have eaten normally. I don't call that a failure, I call it a starting point. When we learn something like a new language or drivign a car we give ourselves time to learn the new skill. When we start to eat healthily we expect to be perfect immediately and forever going forward. I don't think you failed at all, you tried, you went a tiny bit over... I say chalk it up to experience and make different choices tomorrow.

    I'll just quote this one as many before me have already done........because it's true
  • BekahLuv
    BekahLuv Posts: 164
    GREAT song!
  • No worries, it will take time to get in the habit of hitting targeted caloric intake. With anything new, you try to do your best, but you WILL have bad days. Shake it off, and look to tomorrow. Plus being only a few calories over can be handled with a little extra cardio or outdoor exercise.. Mesh your diet with your physical activity... It works...Not FAST, but Continuous, and you will feel soo much better.
  • zebraspots2069
    zebraspots2069 Posts: 213 Member
    Not a FAIL....by a long shot....
    tomorrow is another day..AND like everyone says...after that 10 hour shift..your probably not even over...maybe under....no stress....
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    If 30 calories is a total fail... you're going to have a rough road ahead.

    30 calories is just that... 30 calories... you'd have to be OVER by that much for the next 116 days to make up one pound. And you're still at a deficit being 30 cals "over"...

    Don't beat yourself up. Learn from it. Move on! The quickest way to fail on this journey is to get down on yourself.
  • KeRAWRi
    KeRAWRi Posts: 79 Member
    30 calories is EASY to burn off!! No worries, love! :]
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    You did great!! I have had many 1st day screw ups not to mention the 1 week screw ups etc.., i just keep coming back to MFP and then i get back on track. I just now logged back on about 3 days ago.I am constantly "screwing up" but for today i am not giving up! You can do this, we all can with the help and support of others who are on this journey!!! :drinker: :smile:
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Sweetheart, this is not a failure at ALL, you are doing just fine for your first day!!! Be proud of your day!!! :smile:
    30 calories is a few jumping jacks.

    Failure is several hundred calories over your goal. Failure is falling back into old eating habits and eating so much that you feel uncomfortably full. Failure is 3 candy bars too late because you got a sweet tooth you just cannot satisfy and it overwhelms you.

    Failure is the miserable feeling when you realize you just finished binging out of boredom...

    Be proud of yoru first day! You are already making great choices. This change doesnt happen overnight.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    30 calories one way or another is nothing, its less than 0.01lb difference in your weight loss.

    A learning point may be to work out some low calorie healthy snacks you can take with you to work, enough to beat the hunger of a long shift.

    .01 LB - I like that!

    You did not screw up! None of us is perfect. Look how many GOOD choices you made today. If you make more good choices than bad choices .... you're on your way. This is all a learning experience.
  • KeRAWRi
    KeRAWRi Posts: 79 Member
    Also, take into consideration of where those calories came from. If most of your calories came in the form of nutrients/good calories then one burger is fine. AND if there are 21 meals in a week, and you screw up 2, you've still got it 95% right! :D
  • Only 30 over? you're doing great! Keep walking.
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    It's not screwing up. It's learning... getting to that healthy place is a process it is not learned or achieved overnight or any time super soon. You find what works and what doens't. Don't kick youself. Tomorrow you do something different and see how that works for you. Have a great tomorrow!