P90X Users!!!!

My husband and I are about to begin p90x. Did it work for anyone else? How did you log your exercise on here? I am hoping this will take me out of my plateau. I started at 184 (but didnt start on here until i was already in low 170s) and am down to 168 but am stuck here for the past couple weeks. Anymore suggestions??? Thanks everyone!!!


  • emilybeatrice1
    emilybeatrice1 Posts: 163 Member
    i plan on starting p90x soon... good luck to you guys
  • judimuro
    judimuro Posts: 17 Member
    My husband and I did it and we didn't lose a ton of weight but we definitely saw a difference. My arms are much more defined as is my back. We didn't follow a super healthy eating plan though, which is probably why we didn't see much weight difference. We are starting round 2 this week and hopefully we will follow a healthy eating plan this time. I did love the change in my arms though. i went around flexing all the time :)

    Don't be afraid to hit pause when you first start. You will get more out of it rather then if you half *kitten* it. That's what we noticed. After a while you won't have to hit pause. "Just do your best and forget the rest!"
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Ive tried it 1 time, made it a month. This was long before I got in to the shape I am now though. I am going to start march 26th again, and modify the program to do it 5 days a week instead of 6 because 6 actually kills me!
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    I use my fitbit to track the workout with the p90x or my heart rate monitor. I am in four week of the program, and the weight is sliding off. Good Luck.
  • sassyfrass9
    sassyfrass9 Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks everyone. i am excited and nervous. :) we only have the dvds from a friend and not the nutrition guide but we are eating healthy and trying to get some good protein so hopefully that will be fine. do you track your exercise on here for calories burned? we dont have heart rate monitors and just rely on what this site says as a basis to go by. :) good luck to all of you doing it or starting it!
  • My husband and I are also starting P90X - TOMORROW!! We are really excited and nervous; not looking to lose weight, actually, but really need to tone up!! :smile: We are doing the P90X Classic and we intend to follow the nutrition plan. . . .we have a friend who did the "x" and is transformed!
  • P90X is painful, but quite good. I only maintained for about a month but did see a notable difference. Like one person said earlier, don't be afraid to hit pause. And be ready to be quite sore at first depending on your current workout regimen After about 2 weeks I really felt the difference. You do have to combine it with a reasonable diet and watching your calorie intake. I would suggest entering it on here as acircuit training workout in cardiovascular area. Good luck with the workouts.
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    I am on day 46 of P90X classic. I am noticing major differences. Diet is KEY! Make sure you follow the food plan in the nutrition guide. I love P90X and cant see my life without it now! I am gonna try Turbo fire after this but I know I will be back to P90X soon after! lol! Good luck with it and just keep pushing play everyday and dont quit!! You can friend me and we can support each other if you like!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Make sure you eat enough. Min of 1800 cals (based on the diet guide)
  • mgreenz
    mgreenz Posts: 1 Member
    I'd be happy to coach (I'm a Beachbody coach) to coach the two of you through it. I've lost 23 lbs in 7 weeks of P90X. It's a tough start if your out of shape. The most important part is your nutrition. Eating clean is 70% of your results. Mike
  • Im doing it [again]. The first time my diet sucked so I saw some results but I think it would have been a lot better if I was watching my calories. But it is a great program!! Good luck.
  • ChrisIn757
    ChrisIn757 Posts: 159 Member
    I use a heart rate monitor and log it all is cardio. I lost 24lbs doing my first round of P90X. Plan on starting a second rounds very soon. It's a great program. Just remember, "do your best, and forget the rest."
  • So - general opinion is to log in every day of exercise as cardio? Or maybe the weight training days as circuit training?
  • I have been on P90X for over a year. The first two times I did it, I saw results with some sculpting of my arms and abs, but hardly any weight loss. I was not following the nutrition plan, either. However, I recently began in on January 3 again for the third time and decided to actually do the nutrition plan this time and I have lost weight as well as seen results in my muscle definition....especially my thighs and butt this time. P90X works...I am a believer. If you're serious about losing weight, I would encourage you to purchase a heart rate monitor...personally (this is just me) I always burn more calories than they say I do based on my height, etc. and that way you can track your weight loss more accurately. I also think you might be able to download the nutrition plan on Beachbody.com...not sure about that though. Good luck! It's quite a workout!
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I just completed my first ever day one of P90X Lean. I am not in shape so I didn't want to push it. It wasn't so bad, but seriously, my eye lids are sweating! I hope Day 2 is as good as Day 1. I logged this in as circuit training for 50min. I have watch heart rate monitor but I'm not sure how accurate it is.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    It worked for me. I was approx 179 lbs when I started that program (January 2011) and I did it twice back to back (so 6 months) and it got me out of my 3 month plateau down into the low 150's and I definitely got some awesome definitition. I have 2 photos of my back in my profile (the pink bikini was after the first round, the black bikini was after the second round)

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the program and I plan on doing it again here before summer.....gotta get my best beach body this year for sure!
  • tquig
    tquig Posts: 176 Member
    I love P90x! Currently on my second time through (day 50). Alternated between that, weight lifting and Insanity workout. Just got my p90x2 DVDs- can't wait. I love to mix up my workouts so now I can go a whole month and never do the same thing twice!! Remember you can out-eat any exercise program- follow the nutrition guide and you will see results!!! Good luck!!!!
  • CoachCWC
    CoachCWC Posts: 35 Member
    I am about to do my 3rd round of P90X. Both times before I lost from 20-30 lbs and gained a ton of muscle. I am going to start again on March 5.

    I have started a P90X blog so please follow along and you can see for yourself what it can do. I am currently 244 lbs, so yes even big guys can do it :)


    Youtube videos at: http://www.youtube.com/hardcorep90xer
  • sassyfrass9
    sassyfrass9 Posts: 71 Member
    thank you all so much for the information and support. anyone can add me as a friend if they want and we can all support eachother. we plan on starting sunday night to keep it on a normal week. i have been exercising about 4-5 times a week so i think i should be ok starting out. my husband will have some struggle since he is just starting to workout but i read him all of the replys so i KNOW he can do it! good luck to everyone! WE can reach our goals!!!
  • Finished a round of P90X back in November. Had great results mostly with pull ups and had good weight loss and muscle tone. But my diet wasn't the best.
    Right now I am on my first round (3rd week) of P90X-2 and going super strict with the diet. First two weeks I have lost 6 lbs, The exercises work the core like nothing I have ever tried before.

    Good luck