Running - depends on your SHAPE, geeze..!!

okay, i honestly feel like the effects of running is different for everyone.. (my profile picture is me 3 months ago, which I am trying to be again.. i have recently gained 15 pounds)! anywho...... i am normally "pear shaped" hour glassed figuree.. my bottom half has always been much bigger.. the main problem i have is my thighs.. and running seemed to make my thighs bigger, increased an inch.. and i was eating as healthy/clean as i could.. i would run about 5 times a week for 30 mins a day.. sometimes 20. but after WALKING fast for 45 mins 3 times a week it has slimmed them down by half an inch...

now has anyone experienced this????


  • smbyrd13
    smbyrd13 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm also pear shaped and run about 4 days for 3ish miles and then walk on "off" days for between 30-60 minutes so I can't really tell which (run/walk) is impacting my thighs. I have noticed they're thinner and that is good! I have noticed that my calves and ankles (lower legs) are more toned when I'm running.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    You actually use different muscles when you walk quickly (i.e. powerwalk), compared to running more slowly. Burning calories is also different, as well. That could just be a reflection of that difference,or it could just be a delayed reaction to your continued cardio. That half inch could have come off had you continued running, but you changed your routine.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    i get a much bigger glycogen pump effect on my thighs from running - if I don't run for a few days it goes down. So yes they LOOK bigger but your legs don't actually get much bigger and once they get used to running you shouldn't get that as much. IT was mostly just when I started and all the running was really shocking for my leg muscles.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    My thighs have gone down several inches from just running. I've been running 4xs a week to train for a 10k and have really noticed the difference. I used to just speed walk before but never lost the inches in my thighs.

    It's likely that your measurements have changed as a delayed reaction from the running since I don't think the walking would have really had time to make that big of a difference yet. At least for me, it's always taken longer for results to show just from walking.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Have you ever looked at a runners legs? A lot have massive muscles but are very cut.
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    I'm also pear-shaped and run 3-4 miles, usually 4 times per week. I ride the stationery bike 2 days per week.

    I didn't notice my thighs looking bigger (although I do remember thinking that my rear end was bigger!:huh: ), but it did seem like they weren't getting any smaller, to speak of! I remember complaining to my husband that one would think that running would hit the thighs the hardest, but it just wasn't happening!

    I've heard that pear shaped people lose it from the top down and bottom the abs, hips, rear and thighs are the last to go! I'm not sure how scientific it is, but I think it was true for me!

    I've finally lost enough that the problem areas are shrinking, so don't give up!

    ETA: I also do a cool down power walk after my run for about a half mile, which definitely works different muscles.
  • puggypatti
    I'm also pear shaped and running is the hardest thing I do. I have head that running will melt that belly fat that I don't have. I am happy to have my legs firm up and don't worry too much about the overall size. Genetics gave me strong sound legs and I just have to work with what I have. Long distance cycling is what shrinks my legs best.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    you use different muscles when you change your work out. I took ballet for over 15 years and had thunder thighs! When I took up running in college my legs changed! no more thunder thighs! I do have 'shapely' legs that catch attention, but they're no longer out or proportion! I walk now and I still enjoy it!