Calculating Elliptical Trainer calories... question!

For the Elliptical Trainer, I put in my minutes and MFP calculates how many calories I burned... is this an average number or based on my individual weight/settings? Or do I go with the number of cals seen on the machine (which is usually lower than MFP's calculation)? Just wondering because this is a big difference sometimes, and I want to make sure my numbers are accurate. THANKS!


  • seekingstrengthX2
    MFP seems high to me. It told me I burned 500 calories mowing the lawn once. Yea, right.
    The machine isn't right either, but between the 2, Id go with the machine. LOL. :)
  • hope25
    hope25 Posts: 188 Member
    I always go with the machine since it is on the lower side. I would rather go lower then go over.
  • wsr94
    wsr94 Posts: 14
    I guess it depends on your settings/resistance on the machine too, right? I also heard once that the elliptical is calibrated to calculate calories for a 150-lb person... does anyone know if this is true?
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I am 5' 3 and use my HRM to give me calories. I am 155 lbs and the HRM and elliptical are close to each other. MFP is high. I would stick with the lower of the 2 that u r finding.

    If the elliptical does not ask for ur weight it could also be off.

    Are you curious or trying to eat back ur burnt calories? Curiosity was why I bought the HRM :)
  • twildmann
    I am also having trouble figuring how many calories I burn. I just got finished doing 14 minutes of tabata training and have no clue how to enter it in MFP.
    Does anyone know how many calories you burn doing Tabata interval cardio training?
  • SarahR1984
    Both are probably off, only way to know is get a heart rate monitor. I still haven't done this but I really want one. My elliptical gives me a crazy # of cals burned, and mfp gives me a slightly less crazy amount. They say like 800cals in 60 minutes... I highly doubt it! lol, I just don't eat all my exercise cals back. Hopefully by my b-day I'll get a HRM!!!
  • Megdonald1
    Megdonald1 Posts: 149 Member
    I got a HRM also, so I take the machine #, the HRM #, and the MFP # and get an avg. Seemed the most honest thing.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I have been looking into this too. MFP is definitely high. The elliptical machine is the number I used to use. I then bought a HRM and the elliptical machine was very high too. I had looked it up and the average elliptical machine is off by 44%. I find that to be accurate. My maching at the gym told me 744 cal and my HRM said 569. Treadmills are actually more accurate than ellitical machines.

    Sorry, but don't shoot the messenger, just a study that I read.
  • tpot74
    tpot74 Posts: 80 Member
    Funny I should just come across this post as I just put my elliptical time in and they Cal's were almost 200 higher than my HRM. Of course I went with my HRM. I don't even set the info on the ellpitical. I advise like others to get you a HRM.
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    I'm not sure but I just bought a heart rate monitor watch that also measures calories so that I can get the calories for questionable activities.
  • ppayne2010
    LOL!!!!! MFP count make you feel good like you really been burning, I use it, but don't eat my calories back.
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    I just bought the Polar FT4 on the website for 58.00 and some change using the promo POPO . compared to other sites this is a savings of at least 20.00 dollars. I can't wait to use it!
  • wsr94
    wsr94 Posts: 14
    I do not have a HRM but that would be helpful! Thanks everyone for the input - I never go with the MFP number anyway :) I want to be as honest as I can to make this work!
  • XoSaraoX
    XoSaraoX Posts: 97 Member
    i would go with the machine just like everyone else, i do but i take that number and minus about 40% then enter that amount in. that way its almost correct. i also never eat my evercise cal back, just so im safe.
  • kristivahl
    kristivahl Posts: 11 Member
    Ahh bummer... I've been counting the MFP numbers for my elliptical workouts, but I guess I should switch to using the machine.... or maybe I'll take whatever is in the middle of the two? hmmm...
  • rkpixler
    rkpixler Posts: 26 Member
    There is a great website called, on the side there is a tab that says free tools, go to that then at the bottom of the list is one called Burning Calories while exercising. It is a great tool, you can pick your exercise, your intensity, and put in your weight and it will give you your calories burned. For me, it is usually in between what the elliptical says and MFP. So I would guess it is pretty accurate, cuz the machines account for a person who is 130-150, depending on the brand of machine. Hope this helps!