84 pounds down & 81 pounds to go.......lets get it done!!!

I began this journey Aug 2010 @ 354 pound. I lost 119 pounds by October 2011 but managed to blow it and gain 35 back the last four months. I am back on the grind and I would like to lose 81-90 more pounds. Actually, I am at 274 starting this time.....I would be happy losing 75 pounds and getting under 200.... I am going to focus....wish me luck!!!


  • I wish you all the luck in the world! You can do this!
  • Just keep your eye on the goal and you WILL do this!! :flowerforyou:
  • ezranch208
    ezranch208 Posts: 25 Member
    You've already proved you can do it! I need to lose another 60 at least. You can do it! WE can do this! And we will KEEP IT OFF.
  • You can do it! I wish you the best of luck!
  • ocrere
    ocrere Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you everyone..... I love this site, super supportive!!!
  • kngarber
    kngarber Posts: 227
    Best of luck to you! You can do it :)
  • jenxbennett
    jenxbennett Posts: 11 Member
    best of luck! and great job!
  • ocrere
    ocrere Posts: 62 Member
    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • You are on the right track! You can do it! Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • Great job!:wink: you sound like me only you've done way better, congrats and keep up the good work! When i started my first journey i was @ 330 February 2009 got down to 284 then started struggling with life and health situations, am trying again but started this time at 298 and last week lost 7 lbs...probably mostly water weight but it's still lost regardless. This week I'm struggling with motivation. I know what i should do but mind and body not with it.
  • Hey! My story is very similar to yours. I started with the local bariatric doctor in 2010 after trying unsuccessfully to lose weight on my own by joining the gym, which I half-heartedly attended. I managed to lose from 388 to 363 on my own before I gave up. My family asked me what I wanted for Christmas that year, and I half-jokingly said, "Gift certificates to The Fat Dr". Amazingly enough, they actually listened, and I got my certificate. I decided to do it for my birthday on Jan 21st of that year. I weighed in @ 368 lbs in his office that day. He did a complete blood panel and ekg and made me an appointment to come backt he next week. Everything checked out with the work up so I began my program the next week. I was not interested in having surgery, so settled on a diet plan and quickly set my mind to do it or die. After 8 months I had dropped an amazing 98 lbs. I felt amazing and noticed things about my body that I had never seen before. I could do things I had never done. Shortly after reaching that point I lost my job and could no longer afford the visits to the Dr. I did well until September of last year, at which point I slacked and started putting on weight. I made a visit back to the "Fat Dr" but failed to follow the program and continued down the failing path I had stumbled onto and gained even more. In Jan of this year I began to feel fat and miserable again, which was a feeling I was way to familiar with.I tried to blame it on other things. Finally on Thursday 2/16/12 I had taken it as long as I could. I called the Drs office and made an appointment for the same day. I weighed in at 285.1 lbs, which was 30+ lbs from my lowest weight while on the program. I spent 35 to 40 minutes talking with my doctor and assured both him and myself that I was once again ready for the challenge. My Dr told me he wanted me to keep a food journal ( I laughed, and he said "No, really, I want you to right down ever thing you eat or drink."). I started looking for Apps on my phone to keep a food journal and ran across MFP. I downloaded it and started using it faithfully, every day. I've followed my diet to the letter and exercised every other day as suggested by a very healthy friend. Tomorrow is my 2 week weigh in with "The Fat Dr". I have been very strict on myself and am anxious to see how well I've done. I am so thankful for MFP, it has truly helped to keep me honest. Good luck to you!
  • AntuanR
    AntuanR Posts: 23 Member
    You can do it!!! Can't wait to hear/read about your success
  • ocrere
    ocrere Posts: 62 Member
    thank you... I am going to give it my all....
  • ocrere
    ocrere Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you Tracie...... I added you. Good luck!!!
  • Jbbaby111
    Jbbaby111 Posts: 55 Member
    amazing job! keep up the great work =)
  • clewis628
    clewis628 Posts: 94 Member
    Good luck though it sounds like you don't need the luck! The fact that you did it before shows that you can do it again! Go You!
  • Good luck, you can do it!
  • youve done it before and i have faith that you can continue on your journey! i wish you the best of luck!:wink:
  • ocrere
    ocrere Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you everyone!!! I really wish I would have had MFP when I fell off the truck.....no, not wagon...lol I love the support you guys give. Absolutely amazing!!! No wonder so many on this site have so much success!!!