Body by Vi - not an ad!!

Has anyone used the Body by Vi product or know anything about it personally. I am curious as so many are on this bandwagon.


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    It doesn't exist in my part of the world, but the impression I get is that it is yet another very succesful marketing exercise.
    I'm not sure if this one is multilevel marketing but if so, that would also explain why lots of people jump onto it. My feeling about most of these "miracle" products is that the reason they exist is not to make you thinner, but to make the manufacturer's wallets fatter.

    If you want meal replacements in a glass, why not make youself a delicious smoothie using actual food (yoghurt, fruit, nuts etc) instead of buying a packet of powder made from ingredients that you can't identify or pronounce?
  • hannahwrnr
    hannahwrnr Posts: 45 Member
    I ordered some from a friend, and I really liked it for like a week. Then I realized that they are pretty pricey and just nice as fulfilling as a meal, even a low calorie one. I understand that it has a lot of vitamins and minerals in it, but it just wasn't for me. I still have half a bag left, and I occasionally use it for an after workout snack, but no longer for meal replacements. I want to actually eat my calories rather than drink them, but that is personal preference. I lost around 6 lbs, then gained it back when I started eating normal food again. However,I have seen quite a few success stories from it. To each his own.
  • losingthisweight
    I am doing the Body by Vi 90 day challenge and love them! They are so filling and full of nutrients that I couldn't get otherwise. BUT, as someone mentioned, meal replacement isn't for everyone. I suggest getting a sample (I have some) and seeing how you feel after the shake and if you even like the shake. It's not cool to commit to a full month of shakes when you don't like them or they don't work for you. Good luck with whatever weight loss strategy you decide!
  • hrhprinesstracy
    i have not used them and will not use them. im sure you do lose weight when you drink a shake instead of eating, but i bet you gain it back just as quickly plus a bit more. i have had several friends and family members try to get me to use their shakes, but no freakin way. i have lost 55 lbs since july 2011, and that is by eating real food. i followed the 17 day diet, but i am convinced that any diet that incorporates whole foods, lowers sugar intake, lowers carb intake, and incorporates excercise, will work for you. the thing i liked about the 17 day diet was the speed at which it worked. plus i just bought whole foods from the gocery store. i didnt have to add additional products to it. all i had to do was excercise 30 minute a day. also, i didnt have to starve myself. i had to do the work, i had to make lifestyle changes, and i had to eat healthy. i dont like the body by vi sales tactics (you can see them all over the internet and even on this forum as they seem to try to inundate every aspect of media with their ads in order to drown out the nay-sayers. my friends who sold it didnt lose weight even though they claimed they did, and they pushed the product so hard on their friends and family, that we had to distance ourselves. my aunt actually stopped speaking to my mom because my mom wouldnt join. they use nasty tactics and inundate facebook, pinterest and youtube to the point of madness. i have unsubscribed any friend or relative who is still pushing it on facebook, because i tire of the nonsense. i was successful at losing weight the healthy way, i have tons of energy(which i need as a mother of 2), and have been able to inspire my mother and several friends to try do it the right way. i invite you to as well. i have tried many a fad diet, and always lost the weight and always gained it back because it was not sustainable in the long run. i am happier, more energetic, and my self confidence is at an all time high. dont try to take the "easy" route.
  • losingthisweight
    I wouldn't call the Body by Vi 90 day challenge an "easy" route. And what works for someone won't necessarily work for the next. The body by vi 90 day challenge is a lifestyle change where you replace a shake for a meal even after the challenge.
  • EmDrake13
    EmDrake13 Posts: 27 Member

    If you want meal replacements in a glass, why not make youself a delicious smoothie using actual food (yoghurt, fruit, nuts etc) instead of buying a packet of powder made from ingredients that you can't identify or pronounce?

    Hear Hear.
  • bellstalker
    bellstalker Posts: 30 Member
    I know some people that are getting ready for the Body by Vi 90 Transfotmation challenge. I checked it out at - ( ) I'll ask them and get back to this posting...
  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    I use the shakes, for easy morning breakfast on the run. With some milk and fruit they taste delicious and I can drink it in the car on my way to work. I also prefer to eat and chew my food, but with 3 kids and a full time job, getting nutritious, filling meals on the run is difficult for me. That is just my opinion. I agree that the product is a bit pricey, but no more than if I had to drive thru for breakfast every day.
    Forgot to mention I am not actually losing any weight....I don't blame the shakes....I have no frick'n idea what my problem is!?!:mad: :sad:
  • bellstalker
    bellstalker Posts: 30 Member
    This is what is being said ..... Day 7 on my VI 90 day challenge.. Cant believe the Energy I have. .. This week is intense interval training and I have had more then enough energy to get through it and the chase my boys around for another couple of hours!!!!!!