So frustrating!

I weighed on Saturday and I weighed today and according to the satanic scale i've gained 4 pounds all while eating right and exercising. Now the rational side of my brain knows this is probably water weight but the rest of my brain is just plain disappointed and discouraged. Sigh.


  • Jdplank
    Jdplank Posts: 10 Member
    No worries. I gain 3-4 lbs when I work out and drink a lot of water. If you take a 2 day break from working out and weigh in on the morning of the third day you will be at that weight or even lower. Your body stores water in in your muscles to help them heal and remember a half gallon of water weighs 4 lbs. That's really not that much water either during and intense workout. You wont get an accurate measure until after a couple days of rest. I understand it can play games with your mind but if you want to avoid this don't weigh in until you have rested for 2 days. Keep your chin up. You are doing great.
  • grimesfamily
    grimesfamily Posts: 12 Member
    I hope this is true! Because I have been burning just as many calories as I have been eating, and still nothing! So Maybe I will take a couple day break before my weigh in!
  • That makes sense. I weighed right when I got home from the gym, and I went to the gym twice yesterday so that probably didnt help.