5'9" What's your goal?

My goal is 160 and I'm 170 now I'm so close but yet so far away! Whats yours?


  • gjc50
    gjc50 Posts: 35
    5'7 I AM A WHOPPING 192, WOULD LOVE TO SEE 150 !
  • 5'9" currently 160, would like to see 145 ( maybe 140)
  • I started at 190! It sucks but it gets better i have come so far and should be happy but I just cant stop seeing me as that girl who weighed 190
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    5'9" I am currently 168 and would like to be 150
  • :happy:
  • 5'9" Currently 169
    Highest was 245

    My Goal is to be 135
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    5' 9".....currently 228....first goal 200, then idk maybe 175 or a little less. Depends on how i look.
  • I'm 5"9" , I started out around 200 and FINALLY hit my goal of 135 :happy:
  • I want to reach my high school weight of 135-140 but I right now just to get into a size 12
  • cjstagg
    cjstagg Posts: 40 Member
    Wow! Fantastic job!
  • That's my goal too. I looked really nice at that weight with my height
  • what's your secret???
  • 64Mustang
    64Mustang Posts: 3 Member
    I'm only 5'6" but at 140 I just put on a size 6 jeans. Normally I'm an 8 now (was a 16) but it was nice to button a 6. No desire to be a 6 though.

    Thinking 135 is too thin for you 5'9" ladies. Guess it depends on your age. If in 20's or early 30's maybe but in your 40's or older it is really hard to maintain.

    I started off at 186 and pushing out of a 16 due to huge stomach. Lost 50 and got a tummy tuck and I've been bouncing around for a year and trying to land at 135 and stay close to that.
  • peaches712799
    peaches712799 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5'9 also and goal is 170. I started at 295, so I've got a LONG way to go yet, but slowly and surely....I am getting there!
    Nice to see that's the choice for most of us this height.
  • kaittx13
    kaittx13 Posts: 88 Member
    5'9" 155

    When i first started losing weight (before MFP) I weight very close to 200.. and I thought it would be a miracle if I ever hit 175.. and then I did and was like woahhhh maybe my body frame is smaller than I thought haha.

    Goal weight about 145-147. When people say the last 10 is the hardest.. i am definitely going through that. It has been hard to stay motivated, but I have given up excuses.. so i am interested to see what happens!
  • I'm 5"9" , I started out around 200 and FINALLY hit my goal of 135 :happy:

    Congrats! You must be over the moon! <3
    I cannot wait for the day to say what you have just said "hit my goal of 135"
    Its creeping up - and i cannot wait! <3

    Congrats again
  • Thank you! You WILL get there, trust me! Now I'm not concerned with the number on the scale, I'm focused on gettting FIT! So I know now that I'm getting serious with strength training (I did all cardio to lose the weight) the scale might go up a bit. I'm using inches to determine progress now instead of the scale! :)
  • I'm 5"9" , I started out around 200 and FINALLY hit my goal of 135 :happy:

    How long did it take for you to reach your goal?
  • I'm at 135 now at 5'9" and trust me, for my body it is nowhere NEAR to thin. I haven't taken a pic since 135, but my profile pic is at 140, and I look pretty much the same.
  • sonnyless
    sonnyless Posts: 142 Member
    I'm 5'10 and my goal weight is 165 I'm currently 185. Twenty more pounds to go! :)