:/ having issues taking it off and keeping it that way

I've been having issues keeping the weight off that I do manage to lose.

I've been stuck at around 150 since September. I can lose a few pounds but they don't stay off for long. I find that I'm often tired and I lack energy. I try to have a decent diet (and I definitely do for a kid living in a dorm), but it's really frustrating being so so close to my goal yet so far away because I keep losing the same 5lbs. (note: I've also been to the doctor and have recently had blood tests for things like glucose and thyroid. still awaiting results)

The lowest I've ever managed to get was 143 but that was before I moved back into residence.

Any tips, advice or anything to help me? I really don't know and am getting rather frustrated.


  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 364 Member
    Have you tried lowering your carbs a little?

    Hows your sodium level?
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    Do you get out of your comfort zone when working out? Do you do the same exercises all the time? Maybe try switching things up (nutrition and exercise) and see if that can get the lbs moving again. :smile:
  • kristenn1989
    kristenn1989 Posts: 223 Member
    My sodium seems to be on average between 1400-1600mg daily.

    My carbs are usually a little lower than today but generally between 150-200 daily.
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 364 Member
    Try lowing your carbs to around a 100 a day.

    Trying doing a different workout routine. I know you walk a lot because of your job, but trying doing a HIIT style workout a couple times a week.
  • curiositycat
    curiositycat Posts: 111 Member
    Try eliminating wheat from your diet for two to three weeks. I did a complete grain-free trial run, and I went from 126 at 5'6" to 120 in five days! I couldn't believe it, but I concluded that I must have some sort of sensitivity that was making me bloated and causing me to hold on to excess fluid. I'm still pretty much grain-free, but I'll have them once in a while. I now get my carbs and fiber from lots of veggies and some fruit, and I feel fantastic!
  • kristenn1989
    kristenn1989 Posts: 223 Member
    hmmm. I've never considered eliminating wheat. That being said, is oatmeal wheat? (stupid question, I know)
  • nataliemXO
    Try adjusting your myfitnesspal profile so you lose .5 pounds per week. You'll find that you will be able to eat more calories so you will have more energy, feel less hungry and still loose weight. By losing weight slower and in a more manageable way you will be able to keep it off!
  • sativo8339
    sativo8339 Posts: 39 Member
    Sometimes your body goes through periods of adjustment. It's not unusual to gain a few pounds even though you are doing the same right things. Just keep doing what you are doingto lose the weight and your body should catch up..

    Are you sure you aren't putting on muscle? It weighs more than fat and at some point if you are excercising your body switches from burning fat to adding muscle.. you just might be getting toned!!
  • kristenn1989
    kristenn1989 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm not sure if I am gaining muscle. I am sure that I have gained some, but weight changes like the ones I've been seeing wouldn't be muscle. Some of it is surely water weight, but I just can't get my body fat percentage to go down and stay down.
  • sativo8339
    sativo8339 Posts: 39 Member
    To get that body fat down, try eating less carbs and more protein. Your body switches to using fat for calories when it runs out of carbs. It's a quick fix and probably not the most appetizing, but it works to re-order the calories. Also try excercising at a lower heart rate in that fat burning zone.. 120-140 range. It burns less calories but a higher percentage of fat calories.

    Keep up the work. Hopefully the Dr's tests won't point to anything serious, but just keep at it. You have lost a lot of weight and you look great.
  • AdrienneinTO
    AdrienneinTO Posts: 111 Member
    I skimmed through your diary a bit, and I think your net calories tend to be much too low. The fact that you lack energy is a big clue. Consistenly having very low net calories causes your metabolism to slow down. You could maybe try eating back at least some of your exercise calories. Do you use a HRM to estimate calorie burn?
  • kristenn1989
    kristenn1989 Posts: 223 Member
    what is a good range for carbs?
  • kristenn1989
    kristenn1989 Posts: 223 Member
    I skimmed through your diary a bit, and I think your net calories tend to be much too low. The fact that you lack energy is a big clue. Consistenly having very low net calories causes your metabolism to slow down. You could maybe try eating back at least some of your exercise calories. Do you use a HRM to estimate calorie burn?

    Nope. I am waiting for my HRM to get here. I've been using what the mfp calculator tells me and lowering the calorie burn a little to be on the safe side
  • AdrienneinTO
    AdrienneinTO Posts: 111 Member

    Nope. I am waiting for my HRM to get here. I've been using what the mfp calculator tells me and lowering the calorie burn a little to be on the safe side

    The HRM will help you get a better idea of your calorie burn. I'm glad you bought one.

    My suggestion is to eat at least your BMR (you can find it under Tools), and not have net calories below 1200 for an extended period of time.
  • AdrienneinTO
    AdrienneinTO Posts: 111 Member
    Also try excercising at a lower heart rate in that fat burning zone.. 120-140 range. It burns less calories but a higher percentage of fat calories.

    It won't be helpful to exercise less vigorously. Please see the link below. The total calories burned will still be higher in the "fitness" zone vs. the "fat-burning" zone.

  • AdrienneinTO
    AdrienneinTO Posts: 111 Member
    what is a good range for carbs?

    I've set myself to 40%/30%/30% carb/protein/fat. I don't quite meet it every day, but it's something I aim for. The blog below explains things very nicely.


    MFP's fibre goals are too low as well, I would aim for at least 25 g per day (my goal is 35g, and I often go over that).
  • kristenn1989
    kristenn1989 Posts: 223 Member
    Thanks for the links! I'm checking them out now.