Exercise for Arthritis

Hi I have RA(Rheumatoid arthritis) and I have issues with most common exercises. I was wondering if anyone has any easy Arthritis friendly exercises?



  • Have you tried swimming or an elliptical trainer for cardio? You could also do Pilates and yoga for strength and flexibility. I've got a bunch of joint issues and when I'm having "bad days" I've always turned to these types of exercises to get me through. You may also find that the stretching involved in yoga will relieve some of your pain and keep your joints happier in general.
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    I do!
    I suffer from it pretty bad in my knees, I know how hard it can be!
    I normally do the bike. I cannot do the elliptical because it kills my legs to badly. But I know that both will help gain muscle in your legs and help support them more.

    Also, it is hard, but it helps out, especially if it is in your knees. Get down on hands and knees and arch your leg up like you are a dog going piddle on a fire hydrant! It helps tone the joint muscles. I know that has helped me out a lot.

    What was said about swimming it is a fantastic thing! Even if you just walk around in the pool or hold onto the side and kick your legs. I normally do high knee raises when I am in the pool and go one side to the other trying to get my knee up as high as I can. It hurts like a *B* after you are done, but it is a good hurt.
  • I have tried swimming my issue is that there is no place for me to swim this time of year and the gyms with pools are way to much lol Unfortunately I can not get on and off the ground to do those my knees don't bend or straighten all the way.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hmmm, that's tricky. I think you would be wise to ask a physiotherapist or other health professional about which muscles you should be working on and which exercises you need to avoid so as not to put any more strain on your joints.
    Good luck finding something that works for you.
  • It sucks doesn't it! I've had it since I was 18mo old how about you?

    Wish I could do the bike, but my knees don't bend fully so I can't even make a quarter of a rotation =( The elliptical kills my knees I can't move after it sends me into a attack.
    Have you tried the machine similar to the elliptical (I don't know the name) I use that some times(depending on how the knees feel lol) I find it doesn't hurt as bad it works more the hips and the butt.

    I can't get up and down off the ground, but I do, do that in bed or when I'm at PT it does help.
  • Tricky is right there is so much I can't do cuz of it. It's not just my knees its elbows, back & right shoulder as well so it makes it wicked hard to have a "Good" work out lol I am working with my PT guy now just waiting on the "do vs don't" from him this time around.