5'9" What's your goal?



  • I'm 5"9" , I started out around 200 and FINALLY hit my goal of 135 :happy:

    How long did it take for you to reach your goal?

    I started back in October of 2010 at roughly 190 lbs., and was at 140 by May 2011. Since then I just maintained my weight and stopped MFP for a while, but now I'm back, got down to my goal of 135, and am now working on getting FIT! I want to look better in a bikini at 30 than I did in my 20's, do that's my new goal :happy:
  • liljoli
    liljoli Posts: 24 Member
    I am 5'8.5" and started at 230 as my highest. I am now at 197 and was exstatic at reaching my first goal of 200 lbs. I got a bit off track for a week or 2 but am now back into it. I would love to be at 170 by June but over all I want to be 140-145. My totally out there goal is 128 (what I was when I got married), but I have to have realistic goals first right?
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 723 Member
    I'm currently at 218 and am looking to get down to about 190. The last time I did this 10 years ago, I couldn't crack 200 pounds so we will see.
  • Thank you! You WILL get there, trust me! Now I'm not concerned with the number on the scale, I'm focused on gettting FIT! So I know now that I'm getting serious with strength training (I did all cardio to lose the weight) the scale might go up a bit. I'm using inches to determine progress now instead of the scale! :)

    That is excellent and so important!
    I have the exact same goal - once I'm at 140 - I will slowly increase strength training- until 135 where my goal will be to "tighten"
    You look great
  • WOW so I'm reading all of this and my goal is to be at 200, wear about a size 14.... guess I'm definitely the odd one out, but anything less than 180 and I lose my curves that I love
  • JinxRita
    JinxRita Posts: 191 Member
    I'm 5'9" and my goal is 170lbs. I started off at 280lbs. I say 170, but that's just to see what it looks like when I get down there. If I feel I need to lose more once I get there, I'll reevaluate later on. :)