Friends anyone?

I just started MFP and want to get some support to help me keep in track! I'm 6' 170lb looking to lose fat and gain muscle. What's your goal?


  • My goal is to lose 18 more pounds!
  • DeborahStanley
    DeborahStanley Posts: 90 Member
    My goal is to be healthy & fit, I had back problems for a couple of years followed by surgery last year & do not want to be that restricted ever again! Loving the new diet plan & loving being back at the gym :)
  • ifrit89
    ifrit89 Posts: 17 Member
    I just joined this website myself. My goal is to get to under 12% bodyfat. I'm 15-16% now :P
  • My goal is to lose just a few kilo's. Point is actually that I'm not overweight, but if I would gain one or two kilo's I would be overweighted. Nevertheless, I made my goal to lose ten kilo's, that will make me in the middle of the healthy BMI score.

    Also, this is a great website to see how many calories everything has. I never thought some products had so much or so few calories. I struggled the first few days, but now I can already make better choices :). Furthermore I started running again, an extra help.

    Very good luck with keeping up to your goals :).
  • redsteve65
    redsteve65 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm a 46 year old man living in the UK trying to lose some weight. I have found MFP an excellent tool to count calories and motivate myself to go to the gym.

    The support from others on this site is very important - more than I thought it would be.

    Anybody - please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • lorna1002
    lorna1002 Posts: 185 Member
    I joined 4 months ago and have lost 36lb, only 8lb more to go, good luck with your goals, you'll find this site very helpful
  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    I'm looking to lose anywhere from 15-25lbs. I've already lost close to 50lbs. I'm trying to gain muscle at the same time as losing this weight.
  • I just joined in January, Im from the UK, and Im really enjoying checking in daily with MFP , ive got quite a bit to lose but im concentrating on one stone at a time.
    Im finding everything really helpful and each day I can feel a difference, if id found this site years ago I wouldnt be this size now .
    Good luck with everything Im sure you will enjoy using the site to help you reach your goals :-)
  • hi im new to this my goal is to lose 37lbs for my wedding would love some help and support x
  • greatisbecky
    greatisbecky Posts: 7 Member
    I joined awhile back but only used the app on my phone and didn't have any friends on here for support so I kinda fell off but now I'm ready to get in shape and toned up for my brother's wedding!
    I'm a kinesiology major so health and nutrition are big to me and it's time to start preparing for bikini season:)
  • I just started MFP and am trying to get used to using it. I went from being an extremely active athlete to being an overweight mother of 2. I'm 5'1" and looking to lose 25-30 pounds. I'm hoping this site will give me the support and encouragement needed to meet my goal. Anyone in need of a friend for support please feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • hi i am new here also, just joined up a week ago, looking to lose a stone and it might as well be 20 i have to lose. i have cut out choccies which were my major downfall and off them a week now (its been super hard!!) im such a fussy eater also i find it hard to eat things that are low in calories that i will like.i will weigh in later in the week and hopefully the lack of sweets have made a difference. joined a gym but with a toddler at home its hard to be able to go enough for it to make a difference. its really motivating to see other people that have lost weight on this.
  • ifrit89
    ifrit89 Posts: 17 Member
    feel free to add me :)
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    I'm mantaining :) My main reason to be here is to keep me motivated with training and push myself hard by using what my friends do as an example and to keep setting an example to them
  • Chanels_mom
    Chanels_mom Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My goal is to lose 70 more....feel free to add me :)
  • Started here late last yr... and had a downfall. Started up again Jan 1st, and had another downfall due to going on Holidays. Been back on properly all of this week, and forcing myself tto keep on track this time. I want to lose a total of 50-55kgs. By the time my 21st arrives (May 25th)I am aiming for a kg a week, so a total of 13 kgs by then, hopefully more, but I'd be happy with 13 :)

    Would love motivation from you all, so feel free to add me. xx
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I started keeping track of everything with this about 2 weeks ago. I was actually losing weight without keeping track of anything last year for a few months and went from 145lb to 121lb. I was a bit of a mess during December and January, had trouble feeling happy in general which caused me to sort of go a bit mad with food. I only managed to put on 5lb, but because I hadn't done any proper exercise, I most likely lost a bit of muscle, so my body fat percentage most likely increased...

    So I started at 126lb a few weeks ago and found this app, it's like a diary, I like to add to it when I'm about to eat something, it usually helps me decide whether or not I want to eat it or eat just a bit of it knowing that it's in my log and I will usually feel guilty. It also helps me keep track of how much water I drink which is great.

    I have recently got into bicycling, got some good off road tracks I can cycle on to burn those extra calories. It's so tiring, but afterwards I feel better about myself. Can usually burn around 300 calories in an hour, pretty sure other cyclists can burn more, but the hills are quite steep and some of it is sand, which makes it harder to get grip during a ride.

    Anyway, I can get pretty chatty at times on a forum, it's more like a blog for me, so tell me to shut up if I am speaking to much. My overall goal is to just enjoy life, feel happy about myself and lose a bit of body fat on the way.

    If anyone wants to add me, just do it, I will chat and help anyone out as much as I can, hopefully you will do the same.