Challenge Group Starting March 5th!



  • cburn_317
    cburn_317 Posts: 40 Member
    WOW...Tons of intereste, that's awesome!

    I’m glad you’re all interested in joining the Challenge.

    So, basically the challenge group is where we have a group of committed folks that interact with each other over the course of the program, usually via facebook, and keep each other accountable and motivated.

    You commit to a 60-90 day program, check-in every day with how you are doing/feeling/eating, we all benefit from the interactions.

    I will post more info in another message, but first, tell me a little about why this challenge interests you.

    Knowing more about you and your goals will allow me to help you better.
  • justtamy
    I cant tell u y I'm interested , or whether I'm interested, in the challenge if u dont tell me what the challenge is about. At this point, all we have is ur start date... which works for me, but WHAT IS the challenge?
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    I may be interested in this challenge - depending on what it is. I really like having fixed goals, it helps me to do that little bit more than I normally would.
  • cburn_317
    cburn_317 Posts: 40 Member
    These groups are such an awesome way to keep each other motivated and offer feedback to each other. You also get to keep not only yourself accountable, but others will keep you in check.

    I have been through them myself and the results speak for themselves. I also started on in early January and all involved are super excited, getting results and sticking with it. It's time to pay it forward again.

    Check in EVERYDAY, remain committed and the results will be there!

    Still interested?
  • cburn_317
    cburn_317 Posts: 40 Member
    The only thing holding you back is you. Stop telling yourself you cant, that's too hard, I guess I'll do it later, when you CAN, it's hard, but put the work in, and do it now!
  • nbatista18
    I'm interested! I just started realizing the spiral I was heading down toward and i'm looking for a lifestyle change. My family eats and lives very healthy so I hope to join them.
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    Very interested! I love a challenge and anything that can help me loose that last 10 pounds would be great!
  • RCadence
    RCadence Posts: 79
    This sounds great, count me in definately!
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 315 Member
    Yes please! As a young mom to 3 little ladies and a full-time student, I want to reflect on the outside what I feel on the inside. It's hard enough being the only student with a family sometimes, but I don't want my mom body anymore.
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    im definitely in! I have about 15 lbs more to loose, but more than that i want to be fit and toned! i am ready to look the best i have since having my two children! I want to be insecurity free this summer!!! Keep me posted amd add me anyone and everyone!!!!
  • vanilakitten
    vanilakitten Posts: 66 Member
    Absolutely! still interested. Just sent you a message.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    This is awesome. Pumped and ready to go...everyone feel free to add me :)
  • rsleake
    rsleake Posts: 10 Member
    I would like to be part of this group! I have been kinda "ho humming" along and would really like to have people to help keep me motivated and competitive. I am looking to run my first 5k on 4/22 and then a 4.5 mile fun run in June- I need the daily accountability of a group like this! Please feel free to add me as I will be mostly communicating through MFP- not a big fan of FB.

  • cburn_317
    cburn_317 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey everyone!

    For those who want to participate, send me a friend request on MFP and/or Facebook.

    You can find more information about the challenge on my site:

    Looking forward to see what everyone can do!
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
  • cburn_317
    cburn_317 Posts: 40 Member
    Attention — everyone who says they don’t have the time, need a workout partner, needs a push, wants to change their lifestyle back to healthy, this is the challenge for you:

    I’m here to motivate! Are you satisfied with the effort you’ve made toward your health and fitness? I’m grabbing you by the scruff of your neck, and saying “COME ON! IT’S TIME TO GO!!”

    We have 3 months until the Summer begins. There is NO REASON anyone out there reading this can’t be in the best shape of their life. We have 60 days. I must have your total commitment.

    There are a million excuses:
    I don’t have time
    I can’t workout at home
    These programs don’t work
    I am on the road working and can’t do it
    It’s too expensive
    I am in good shape already
    I have kids and can’t find the time or they will be in the way
    These programs are too intense
    The nutrition is boring and I won’t be able to eat what I want
    Are you trying to sell me on something to make some money
    We can keep making excuses, but here are some counter responses to those excuses:

    I don’t have time – Most of us watch TV 2-3 hours per day, you can do the workouts while watching TV

    I can’t workout at home- Most of us can’t workout in the gym either, these programs tell you exactly what to do and we will use each other for support

    These programs don’t work- Please take a look at this link and see if you change your mind. Old, Young, In Shape, Out of Shape. Any of those guys look like you? If you look close, you will see me in there

    I am on the road working and can’t do it- All these workouts can be done in a hotel room

    It’s too expensive- Is $200-300 a lot to invest in your health and a happier life? Most gym memberships are $70-100 per month

    I am in good shape already - Are you?

    I have kids and can’t find the time or they will be in the way- Wake up early, morning workouts are a great way to kick start your day.

    These programs are too intense- As with everything, you can make adjustments to the exercises and you will see over time, you will be able to do things you never though you could do

    The nutrition is boring and I won’t be able to eat what I want- 80% of your results come from diet. Would you rather learn how to eat healthy now or when it’s too late because the doctor makes you eat healthy

    Are you trying to sell me on something to make some money- Sure, I will make a little bit of money from you purchasing the program. But I am really doing this because I want to see the people around me be healthy, not have to go to the doctor’s office all the time as they get older…and ultimately, I want to see you enjoy more of your life with your kids and grand kids.

    Start Beachbody program on Monday March 12th and commit to doing every workout by the book for the next 60 days with no exceptions. For all the programs, everything you need in terms of equipment is included.

    Take Shakeology every day. This is the cornerstone of my nutrition plan.

    Follow my nutrition plan to meet your goals (fat loss, muscle building, both). Nutrition is 80% of the results and I won’t let you undermine your results with poor or mediocre nutrition.

    Join and participate DAILY in our private facebook group. This will be a private group where you must be accountable to report your workout, how you did on the nutrition, and what you are struggling with. Pics are also a must for accountability at least every 30 days. If you don’t have a FB account, you can create one just for this purpose and use an alias if you’d like. The group will be closed, so only our team will have access to it.

    After you have chosen your program, you will do this program for 60 days from your own home. These programs are designed for you to workout in front of your TV, at your own time and in the convenience of your home.

    It does not require 30 minutes to drive to the gym, 30 minutes to wait for a machine, 45 minutes to workout and another 30 minutes to come home!

    You can knock out your workouts in 1 hour a day.

    You then go into our Facebook Group and log your workouts and nutrition daily, this is how you will be held accountable for your workouts and where you will receive the motivation and coaching you need to be successful.

    Eat healthy and take your Shakeology and that’s it!

    For those you are still on the fence or would like more information, go to this link:
  • juliespears
    juliespears Posts: 25 Member
    Count me in! First time with a challenge group, so please provide more details on what's required beyond committment...
  • juliespears
    juliespears Posts: 25 Member
    Oops! Please disregard. I missed the rest of the thread until now...
  • tscott10
    tscott10 Posts: 53 Member
    never mind
  • natasha4822
    natasha4822 Posts: 5 Member
    Ready for a challenge..