Help! New Workout

Im going to the gym today but seem to be getting a bit bored with my work out!

i was wondering if you lot could give me some ideas on what to do?

what are your workouts at the gym like?

i have about an hour or just over at spend at the gym so what shall i do today ?


  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member

    My personal trainer told me if I'm bored my body is bored, so switch your work out.

    I have been doing HIIT on the treadmill and the bike. I'm not bored.

    What I've also been doing to keep the boredom from setting in is I change my circuit weight training. One day abs, one day bum, one day legs, one day shoulders...I work on whatever I feel like that day provided that I don't do the same muscle group two days in a row.

    Have a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:

  • cneale91
    cneale91 Posts: 91 Member
    ahh thankyou! can i ask though what is HIT training? xx
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    Hi, sent you a message explaining it.


    Hopefully others will give you their techniques.
  • jonniemarie1
    jonniemarie1 Posts: 77 Member
    definitely switching up what type of workout you do will prevent you from getting bored. One day do a long session of cardio, then interval training, incline running, ellyptical, stair master.... mix in some body weight exercises (pushups, burpees, box jumps, jumping jacks). Then mix up your strength training routine: pick two muscle groups (unless you're doing legs) and do 3-4 exercises for each muscle group. between cardio and strength training i'm usually at the gym anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour depending on if i do long or shorter sessions of cardio. Also, try not to do long sessions of cardio and heavy weight training in the same day. For example, on my legs day I don't do any cardio and just spend the entirety of my time and energy on blasting my legs. If you need any ideas you're welcome to message me =)