March Fitness Challenge- MARCH INTO A HEALTHIER YOU!

Ok ok for those that want to join the "MARCH INTO A HEALTHIER YOU CHALLENGE".. Here is the rough draft of the details.. Its very simple.. All I ask is for everyone to focus and pay more attention to what you eat AND to try and incorporate some form of excercise everyday... Even if its just twenty minutes. Each morning I will post your topics for the day.. You can post when you want but that is how we will keep each other accountable and motivate one another. No measurements or weight to keep up with for the challenge but I encourage you to tell us about your success or about the days you need encoragement. I will post a food topic and a excercise topic... Like " did you work out today? what did you do?" Etc.... I will post a tip or motivation for the day each morning..... And a topic for you to share anything else you may wanna share. Let me know if you like the idea for the challenge and what to change. The topics will conveniently be on my pg every morn since group pgs can't be pulled up on mfp app.


  • joshswifey2011
    joshswifey2011 Posts: 30 Member
    Im up for it
  • sheram65
    sheram65 Posts: 13 Member
    Count me in. I deffo need to lose weight and would like to join the March challenge...BRING IT ON!!!!
  • Those interested add me! :)
  • jessicaf86
    jessicaf86 Posts: 11 Member
    I am interested as well! I think I might be overly ambitious but I want to lose 20lbs by the end of march!
  • Ok great!! Add me!
  • I would appreciate all the support that I can get .... can you add me to this challenge?
  • Nyeesha
    Nyeesha Posts: 54
    Everyone interested add me to your friend list! I will make the posts for the group on my wall everyday. Thanks everyone for participating.. I will be posting a status in a few minutes for everyone to comment on !!