Hi All!

I'm so excited to be here. I'm 30 and weigh about 180 (I wear size 14 pants). My goal for now is 150 by the end of the year. I'd love to make some new friends to help keep me motivated! A little bit about myself: I'm a 911 calltaker (still in training) and I love my job. I love tattoos and can't wait to get more. I have a boston terrier that is my baby dog and I love my husband with all of my heart. He will most likely be joining the National Guard here soon and I'm a little scared but very proud of him. And finally, I'm excited to finally get healthy. Send me a message!


  • Cate1898
    Cate1898 Posts: 33 Member
    Looks like another shift worker! I work 12 hour rotating shifts in EMS. Was a 911 police dispatcher before that. So I know how tough it is to follow a routine! I am on nights right now. If you want encouragement, and lose together, friend me!
  • mezzy11
    mezzy11 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP. I'm 39 years old and a mum of 2. I work part time as a nurse. I weigh 86kgs (190 lbs). My aim is to lose 50 lbs by the end of the year. Feel free to add me for support and encouragement. Good luck!
  • cnt21811
    cnt21811 Posts: 28 Member
    911 supervisor here... feel free to add me
  • 911 customer here... :laugh:

    30lbs by end of year? YOU GOT THIS! You're at the right place and we all know you'll hit your goal.
  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    Welcome aboard!!! Feel free to add me for support!!! Wishing you the best of luck on your goals!!!
  • Hi! I am pretty much in the same boat... I was getting so sick of buying larger cloths I started using MFP and it has been such a huge help! I started at 180 and have lost roughly15 since the beginning of the year. I dont care about the weight as much as how great I feel and How much more confidence i have. It's nice to have others on here to keep motivated! 15 pounds to go!
  • Hey everyone, I downloaded the MFP app a year ago but really fell off the wagon because I didn't really understand the whole net calorie, goal calorie thing. I was either way under consuming or overconsuming. I'm down about 11 pounds since the beginning of Feb. I'm gonna keep checking back to see how everyone else is doing. Let's keep each other motivated!
