Am I in for a rude awakening? *Running*



  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    Outdoor running is typically a bit slower on pace but not always. Its different. But in my opinion, running outdoors is way better. I find it more enjoyable, I can push myself more, I don't get bored, its way less repetitious. I feel like its a better workout outdoors and you don't have the treadmill belt and friction working against you. I run on the treadmill, but I despise it. haha
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    It's different. Your body will feel outdoor runs a little bit more. It's a little harder on your body, but you are doing a good job simulated it with the incline.
  • lml1042
    lml1042 Posts: 121
    Thanks everyone! My 10k is on a boardwalk, so it's flat. I'm hoping to get out this weekend and try running the boardwalk. Hoping to break the treadmill habit, but with 2 kids and a husband who works long hours, I struggle to find the time to get outside. I don't have a double jogging stroller so I can't take the kiddos with me unfortunately. Going to do my best excuses.
  • Carrotz5
    Carrotz5 Posts: 31 Member
    I live in Michigan and I am currently training for a May 10K. With that being said, I tend to train during the winter (snowy/icy) months on a treadmill and squeeze in outdoor runs whenever the weather permits. I run on a treadmill anywhere from a 1% to 2% incline. I don't see much of a difference between running on a treadmill vs. outdoors, physically. However, mentally, outdoors is SO much better. I love my outdoors runs during the winter months (probably because they are so scarce). Good luck on your race!
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I find that I can run at a faster pace on the treadmill but I far prefer to run outdoors. And best of all is trail running! And as for weather, that is one of the joys of running outdoors. I love running in the cooler temps and running in light rain is fine, though I avoid thunderstorms for safety purposes. As many have said, get out and try it, you'll probably love it and avoid the dreadmill from now on.
  • wildie71
    I agree that it's not particularly different in terms of effort. My wife runs like a metronome...her pace never varies outside. Me...I'm up and down in pace according to how I'm feeling, terrain, etc. I find on the treadmill that the constant pace is a bother because it doesn't allow me to vary. As well, although my tm has a fan, I struggle with heat. Outside at this time of year, it's way better for me. I like running in the rain for this reason. Good luck on the 10k!
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    umm. i run 40 miles a week, and I've been running for over 5 years.

    I will tell you that the difference is not that big. For me personally I can run the exact same, if not better outside.
    I know people who can run 7 on the treadmill, but they can barely break 11 min mile running outside (for a long distance)

    I started on the tredmill, and I moved to outside. At the point when I moved to outside running I could run 6 miles easily under an hour on the tredmill, but I couldn't run without stopping outside for over 3 miles.... However, it only took me a month to get used to the outdoor conditions.

    Once I stayed outside, I was able to improve WAY more than I ever could on the treadmill. I can now run 6 miles in under 45:30 outside! (it was only 10 months ago when I was running 6 miles in an hour on the treadmill).


    but, the treadmill isn't that bad. But the hills will kill you, i promise you!
  • Juliet_622
    Juliet_622 Posts: 165 Member
    It will take you a while to adjust but you'll be fine in a few weeks. Although once I got used to running outside I find the treadmill next to impossible. I hate it. Now I run outside no matter how cold it is.

    ^ This, and this:
    Plus, running outside in the rain/wind/cold makes you feel ridiculously Bad A**!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    all im going to say, is get out and get running, iv been running now for 7 months, all outside. When i started to get cold i tried out the treadmill and didnt like it, so iv stuck through Sub freezing temperatures, snow, blizzards, rain, wind and a little bit of sun lol It makes running interesting and gives it that extra dimention to treadmill running, not to mention the sceanary changes, and the thing you get to see when your out and about, and being chased by little dogs down the road (dont get that on the treadmill LOL)

    Is it harder? no idea, but i know for me, getting outdoors and running is more than just exercise, its an experience :)
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    I went through the same thing last year, training for a 5K. I started on the treadmill and was really freaking out about going outside. At first I found it practically impossible outside until I got fitted for new shoes and realized I was wearing a half size too big. The shoes made all the difference.
    I would much rather run outside, it's much more interesting and since it's a bit chilly out most days I recover faster than on the treadmill. But remember to pick up your feet! I tripped over the sidewalk yesterday and went down on my knees and one hand, scraped and bruised up my knees. It was on a very busy street at lunch time so I was a bit embarrassed too. $h!t happens, I got up and kept running, but I was glad I had sunglasses on so I could believe nobody saw me... lol :embarassed:

    ETA: one of my most fun outdoor runs was last summer in the pouring rain, it was awesome, I felt invincible and incredibly athletic.
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    I hate treadmills. My last gym had an indoor track I'd run on and enjoyed it. I'd run hills and flats. 2 days a week I'd do an intense incline workout on the treadmill and 2 days I'd run that indoor track.

    This year I've decided that I'll run around my apartment complex. We have an incline as you're going out the front gate and my apartment is at the bottom near the back gate so I start at my place and just run.

    The one thing I love about outdoor running is the options you have vs the treadmill.

    Now will you be fine for your race, I think you'll be ok. Just keep your feet moving. Remember you already beat those who didn't get out of bed that morning or are sitting on the couch watching TV.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I hate running outside, but that's because I need the treadmill to set my pace. I keep up with it. Otherwise I slow down to a walk after like...three minutes of running. If you're doing an incline, you should be alright. You'll never know until you try, anyways. =)
  • lds72
    lds72 Posts: 12
    I think it is different for everyone. You just have to get out there and pace yourself and go. I know people were telling me the same thing when I started running 2 years ago and the first time I went outside and ran I was so surprised that I ran faster outside and the time just flew by because there is so much to look at while running outside opposed to the boring old treadmill.
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    I much prefer running outdoors to the treadmill.....the treadmill is so boring (although I suppose you can get your ipod on and run like a machine - which some days is good) Running outside is much nicer though, no matter what the weather. It's much more varied (underfoot and scenery wise) and easier to alter yr pace to suit.

    Everyone is different and you have to do what works best for you.

    Good luck xx
  • anta1
    anta1 Posts: 53 Member
    Once you run outside you'll prefer it to inside. You'll use muscles that aren't used on the treadmill and you'll end up running harder and faster. Go for it! Now is the perfect weather ( at least here in Fl)
  • briggsy13
    briggsy13 Posts: 161 Member
    I started running last spring and it was all outside. Now I am inside running on a treadmill since its winter plus I have to run at naptime or I don't have a chance to run. I find it easier to run outside, but the treadmill will keep me at pace. There is a difference but its not earth shattering. You will do fine!! Good Luck!!
  • briggsy13
    briggsy13 Posts: 161 Member
    Oh and I read on the treadmill. I use my kindle and it makes the time fly by. Before that I would get so bored I'd quit running way before I was tired or out of breath.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I actually just dealt with this last night. I was in the middle of my run on the TM and it started wigging out so I went outside. It was MUCH harder for me to run outside. And I usually run on an incline too. I was much slower outside and my legs burned a lot more. My neighborhood is not flat at all, very hilly and curvy so it is a lot different than the TM for me. I have asthma and can not exercise in the cold weather (it was about 70 last night!!!) but once it warms up, I will be heading outside for my runs. I get a way better workout and feel like I've actually accomplished something when I'm done.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    If you think about it, on a treadmill, all you do is pick up your foot and set it down, over and over again. The TM does the work for you. Running outside, you have to push yourself forward. I find running outside way more difficult.

    However, there are benefits from a TM; it's not as harsh on your joints. And, it's probably pretty close to the kind of workout you get running outside. But, they aren't the same thing.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    Treadmill running = workout. Getting the run in. Doing my job. And when I'm on my game, hill drills.

    Outside running = fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun. Getting my run in. Having fun. And when I'm on my game, hill drills. And fun.