Fallen Off The Wagon and Cant Get Back!

I have just hit a super rough spot and have lost all of my motivation. I started a new job that does not fit with my work out schedule (working like 12 hour days). I have been going out to lots of fancy places to eat. And have gained a few LBS back. I don't want to undo the healthy changes I have been making. But it is hard to get in touch with the highly motivated side of me that was able to stick to my calories per day and squeeze in a workout.

Bleh. Any tricks you have out there to fool my brain into being "good" again?


  • cfrollins
    cfrollins Posts: 21 Member
    I had this problem too, so I took my "problem" public! I put before and after pics on Facebook, hearing all of those amazed comments got me back going. I had to remind myself of how bad I was before to motivate myself to keep moving forward.

    Also, I made myfitnesspal.com my homepage on my computer, so I do not have an excuse to ignore it. I have also been getting on the forums more and more. Everytime I do, I feel a renewed sense of purpose.

    So, its a common problem but you can push through this! Don't give up!
  • I.m hoping to do the same, trying to use smaller, more achievable goals. I've also got a few special events to look forward to, that I'm trying to keep reminding myself about. I want to look great in pictures from vacation, and I'll be getting together with friends that I haven't seen in years in a few months.
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    Can you fit little 10 minute "workouts" into your day? Whenever I go to the restroom, I always take the stair up and around and back down again to get some added steps into my day. I also do 25 jumping jacks in the restroom. By the end of the day I typically have done 100 jumping jacks and it literally takes less than 2 minutes. Yes, I get weird stares, but I've lost 23 pounds so I'm ok with that. Can you walk at lunch? Or walk a flight of steps over and over again for 10 minutes at break?

    You can still go out to eat. Do you have a smart phone? Did you download the MFP app? I can't live without mine in a restaurant. Make sure you are ordering heatlhy. Most grilled or baked fish is a good option. Or grilled or baked chicken, just watch the marinades. Keep track of your calories!!

    At the end of the day, just remember how far you've come. I know that is hard for me. When I look into a mirror I see how far I have left to go instead of where I've come from. Remember your accomplishments!! Good luck!! We are here for you
  • TamiKiki
    TamiKiki Posts: 18 Member
    I have just hit a super rough spot and have lost all of my motivation. I started a new job that does not fit with my work out schedule (working like 12 hour days). I have been going out to lots of fancy places to eat. And have gained a few LBS back. I don't want to undo the healthy changes I have been making. But it is hard to get in touch with the highly motivated side of me that was able to stick to my calories per day and squeeze in a workout.

    Bleh. Any tricks you have out there to fool my brain into being "good" again?

    I have 12 hour days too, i workout before or after work. Fitting a workout into a long day is not fun, but it's possible and once you make a habit out of it, it gets easier.
  • goodfido
    goodfido Posts: 127 Member
    I have some pictures of when I was heavier and I do look at those occassionally, but because I've fallen off the wagon and trying to get back on I'm going to move them to a more visible place so I can see them more often. In the past they've motivated me and pushed me when I was down so I'm hoping they will do the same thing now.

    I also agree with the other comment of the exercising in small doses. Something is better than nothing!
  • I tried MFP a few months ago and did well for a little while but then my busy schedule got in the way. After just a couple of days of not doing it, I was done, no motivation at all. I've been back on it for a week and I keep telling myself, this is for me. I love MFP for keeping me on track with my meals but more for the motivation. I wish you well, you can do it.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I have been suffering from the same problem. The last week or so has been bad. (It's always hard near TOM!!!) I need to remind myself why I started this and keep my eye on the prize.

    I guess there is no hurry and no penalty for not being perfect at this. You'll get back on track.

    Also, put something somewhere for a daily reminder...like a quote or picture. I have a couple of my favorite quotes on my mirror so I seem them everyday.
  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 228 Member
    I agree. Staying on here is motivating in itself. So many great supporters.
  • JekJekums
    JekJekums Posts: 32 Member
    it's so hard, but a few months ago i had a busy work schedule and i started getting up suuuuper early to fit in a 30 min run in the morning. then i would get ready as quick as possible to get out the door on time. it sounds like you're increasing your stress and taking on too much, but once you've done it a few times you realize how much you really can do. plus, exercise is great for stress and you feel so accomplished. best of luck to you, i hope you manage to get back on the fit-train!!
  • I tell myself that if I don't workout my boobs are going to sag to the floor. It's my motivator. :)
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    somthing my dad always said to me "can't never could do anything"!!! you CAN get back on the wagon and you WILL
  • like some others have said - make small goals, then reward yourself when you reach them! It's conditioning like that that helps the brain.
  • I've been feeling that way too!!! What has helped me is to have my big goals (to lose 8 more lbs by the end of April) but also to have small daily goals - Today, I will have a healthier salad for lunch, instead of what I have been getting the last few days. Today, I will watch my portions. Today, I will do 200 squats. (I do squats in sets of 20 in my office, in between phone calls and stuff...it actually has made a difference!) If I fail at any of the daily goals, tomorrow is always another day, and an opportunity for success.

    Good luck! Feel free to add me if you need more motivating friends!
  • Lucylaser
    Lucylaser Posts: 94 Member
    This is a great idea thanks!

    Also, I made myfitnesspal.com my homepage on my computer, so I do not have an excuse to ignore it. I have also been getting on the forums more and more. Everytime I do, I feel a renewed sense of purpose.
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member

    Bleh. Any tricks you have out there to fool my brain into being "good" again?

    No. You have to want it.

    Plenty of techniques to keep you going once started (goal setting is the best in my opinion) but until you've decided you want to get going again then it ain't going to happen.
  • I am kinda going through the same thing right now. I have been dealing with some relationship issues and it is taking its toll on me. I haven't started eating bad but I just haven't had the motivation to do much after work. I would appreciate the support from anyone who wants to add me. I can't slip backwards after losing what I have.
  • kate_n_pjs
    kate_n_pjs Posts: 86 Member
    I was thinking the same thing this morning... some how I had lost motivation and wasn't working out. It felt like the only time I had for free time I was saying " I need to workout, but don't want to..."

    I just turned it around and made myself do something at the gym or outside for 20-30 minutes and instead of saying "I don't want to workout" I say this to myself "I don't want to be fat and sick, so I'm working out!!!"

    Also, love the 25 jumping jacks everytime you go to the bathroom... I pee all day long because drinking water makes that happen....duh:wink:
    I also sit at my job for 6-8 hrs a day and have a timer that goes off every hour reminding me to move for 90 seconds. I will do squats, lunges, Tree Pose, stretches, arm circles or just wander around the building.
  • I did well on Weight Watchers for about one year. Then they changed the program and I had difficulty re-grouping my habits to eat according to the "new way". I too fell off the wagon and gained 15 pounds of the 35 I had worked so hard to lose:-( I just started on "myfitnesspal" last Saturday and I am very pleased with how easy it is! If you're eating out quite a bit try this: Know ahead of time where you're going and look at their menu on line. Decide what you're going to eat and then don't even open the menu. Specify to the waitress what you want and how you would like it prepared (i.e.: no added fat, double the steamed veggies and skip the potato, etc). Order for the children's menu if possible. I have an emergency kit I take with me when we travel. It's an insullated bag with butter spray, no-oil salad dressing, a fresh lemon, fat free sour cream, Crystal lite individual drink mixes. The bag looks like a purse so no one is the wiser. It can cut hundreds of calories out of your meal. I have a picture of myself at my heaviest on the side of my fridge so I know where I was and remind myslef I don't want to ever go there again!
    Good luck and blessings to you!
    PS Prayer helps as well!
    BRANDYLYNETTE Posts: 192 Member
    You have taken your first step by POSTING! When I log on to this site consistently....I find myself more focused! When I skip a couple of days....well.....the outcome usually isnt very good. Keep logging on....reading forums.....and choose your food wisely! Just because you are going out to eat doesnt mean you have to choose fattening foods! : ) I know it is hard sometimes....but, log your food into MFP ahead of time if you find out where you're going a little early....and make the wiser choice. WE bought a treadmill Saturday night because I work a few doubles a week...and the gym HOURS are not an option for us. Now, I can get in my exercise three nights a week (at least) even if I have worked a double. No excuses.....weather isnt a factor......work isnt a factor etc. We all have to go home sometime. Ten minutes a night is better than nothing....right? I wish you the best of luck. Hang in there! You can do it! I honestly believe that logging onto this site, and reading these forums etc.....TRICKS your mind into NEEDING to get focused. Know what I mean? Keep logging on........: ) : ) : ) : )