Gaining weight fast?

I might sound like an idiot after all this, but what is going on? I've been doing very well watching what I eat and sticking to my calorie goals for the day. Sometimes I go a little over, but not by much. I've lost 3 pounds in the last couple weeks. Well last night I went to the gym for the first time in a long time and I ran 5 miles. I decided to weigh in this morning just to see if anything changed, well it definitely did. I was down to 142, but I weighed myself and I'm at 150. I don't understand. I know muscle weighs more than fat, but could I have possibly put on that much muscle in one night? Seems a bit extreme. Help??


  • falcon95
    I am with you. I started doing a running program approx. 6 weeks ago and I was losing weight for a little while, but recently have weighed the same or gained a pound. I am under my calorie goal everyday and am exercising four times a week at least. Help!!
  • mocoworm
    It could be a number of things.

    1. Fluid. You could have a lot of fluid in you. Water is heavy.

    2. You always weight more at the end of the day than the beginning.

    3. You have been cheating and not logging everything you eat ;)

    Always weight yourself first thing in the morning. Get up, use the bathroom and then get on the scales. This will be your true weight.

    Don't let this put you off. Keep doing what you are doing and as long as you are burning more calories than you are eating you will see the weight come off :D

    I also use a FitBit (
  • sydleibert
    sydleibert Posts: 8 Member
    I have been drinking more water, but haven't been gaining anything from it. I weighed myself about an hour after I woke up. All I had to drink was a cup of coffee. I'm very honest about what I eat. I'm determined to lose this weight and I want to do it right.
  • kgarman
    kgarman Posts: 61 Member
    When you exercise the body retains water. Also, depending on what you ate the night before can impact it. For instance, the other night I had ribs and steamed veggies. But the ribs were VERY salty because we ate them at a restraunt. So despite a 500 calorie deficit for the day I retained a ton of water and weighed 2lbs over what my last weigh in was. Later this week I weighed myself and I was down a total of 4lbs from my weigh in. Did I really gain 2lbs and drop them that quickly? No. It was water retention.

    As someone who was at 262lbs at one point, I'm dead serious when I say this... weigh yourself once per week on the same scale at the same time. If you don't, you'll get furstrated and give up.

    Also, focus on something other than weight. It's HARD to not focus on it.. but if the clothes start feeling better and you start feeling better, focus on that. It's a struggle and a journey.