How are you using your extra 'leap' day?



  • tiffanyvc
    Today's the last day for $5 foot long so i'm heading to Subway!

    play with this before you go:

    best subway calc i have ever used.... I go to subway alot since my friend owns the store, and another friend I hang out with during lunch owns a bike shop across the street from it.

    That's an awesome calculator!! Thanks!!
  • GrahamBarwick
    i have been to casting for a televsion commercial in manchester, fingers crossed i get the job

    Good luck Graham!!!

    thanks its for a nationwide add campaign for a big furniture company..... so would be nice and it pays well :)
  • GrahamBarwick
    i have been to casting for a televsion commercial in manchester, fingers crossed i get the job

    Fingers crossed for you! :)

    Today is leg day for me! My favorite day of the week!

  • hels4397
    hels4397 Posts: 100 Member
    I'll be "leaping" to the gym after work...and then "leaping" on my boyfriend later :love:
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    i have been to casting for a televsion commercial in manchester, fingers crossed i get the job

    Good luck Graham!!!

    thanks its for a nationwide add campaign for a big furniture company..... so would be nice and it pays well :)

    yes! Good luck!!
  • kal_el83
    kal_el83 Posts: 38 Member
    Well Happy Birthday!
  • kal_el83
    kal_el83 Posts: 38 Member
    I'll be "leaping" to the gym after work...and then "leaping" on my boyfriend later :love:

    ROTFLMAO - However you can get a workout in, right?
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    I used today to give myself a fresh start using todays weight as my starting weight and changing my end goal.
  • hennyben
    hennyben Posts: 317
    Here in Ireland and the UK its traditional for women to propose to their man on Feb 29. I'm already married so obviously I won't have to do that

    i have been to casting for a televsion commercial in manchester, fingers crossed i get the job
    Best of luck Our Graham xx
  • kal_el83
    kal_el83 Posts: 38 Member
    I used today to give myself a fresh start using todays weight as my starting weight and changing my end goal.

    Awesome pitbullmama!
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    Today's the last day for $5 foot long so i'm heading to Subway!

    Not only did I take advantage twice today, I managed to say no twice to the free cookies they were giving out today.

    Other than that working, and trying to limit the times my supervisor tells me what I have been doing for 2 years is completely wrong down to just once today.
  • dictations
    dictations Posts: 199
    Do day 3 out of 10 of Level 1 of the 30DS and REALLY try to use today as my mark to really get serious about toning up. I'm really proud of today, eating only healthy foods today.