


  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    I love all the "I took it, lost weight and had LOADS of energy!" Yeah, because it's an amphetamine. It's speed. That's what it does, cranks you up. Google "Dr. Feelgood" from back in the 60s and 70s. And you can buy crack a mile from my office a lot cheaper than phentermine......
  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    I took it and it does give results but it loses its effectiveness after about 2-3 months. If I were you I would do 1-2 months on, take a break, and get back on it. The only thing I didn't like about it is it caused me to break out. Imagine NEVER having acne and then now having to deal with it. I suggest taking it in the morning, if you take it at night you will NOT sleep. I remember doing it one time and it took me 2 hours to fall asleep.
  • katherinemm31
    Yea, I have defiantly been doing research on this drug. I've seen where some people hallucinated and a few other negative side effects. I've taken it 3 days now and only the first day did I have a negative side effect, and that was only a rotten taste in my mouth, which was controlled by drinking bottle after bottle after bottle of water. After that I haven't had much of an appetite but i've made sure to eat small meals during the day. Lots of fruit and yogurts, pleanty of water and honestly i've discovered that I like fish a lot more than I thought I would. Now I just need to learn to cook it more than one way!

    So far I haven't seen a real negative effect! Thanks guy for the support and comments, please keep them coming!
    You have to be really careful with this drug, especially if you are on other medications and/or have conditions such as depression. I suffer from depression and anxiety and took Phentermine several years ago. I lost about ten pounds but in the meantime, I was flipping out with anxiety and agitation.
  • katherinemm31
    I love all the "I took it, lost weight and had LOADS of energy!" Yeah, because it's an amphetamine. It's speed. That's what it does, cranks you up. Google "Dr. Feelgood" from back in the 60s and 70s. And you can buy crack a mile from my office a lot cheaper than phentermine......
    HAHAHAHA! Yep, that's about the size of it. Around 2002, I bought my Phentermine online--no rx necessary. Sales might be better controlled now. I don't know.
  • skinnybitch0178
    skinnybitch0178 Posts: 12 Member
    It does work, and it is good for people who are monitored closely by their physician. I am nurse, I read all the warnings but I didn't care, I wanted to get thin and I needed help. My BMI was over 30% so my PCP prescribed it to me and told me to come back in 30 days for a refill and checkup. She got a baseline set of vitals and that was that. This drug worked, I lost 15 lbs lickity split I ignored the headaches as I had read that it was a side effect, I even ignored the palpitations I felt, figuring I hadn't drank enough or needed to eat. However, it can be very dangerous if you have ANY type of underlying (unknown) blood pressure or heart issues. My 2nd month taking the Phentermine my BP spiked up, headache, flushed face and ears...just didn't feel right, went to the doctor and my Bp was through the roof! Had to stop taking it, even though I had developed healthy eating habits I wasn't prepared for the "come down" not having the energy and the difficult time I had controlling my appetite. I gained back all the weight and then some within a month, even though I was still exercising and eating well....I was just eating all the time, worse than before the meds. I had to start seeing a cardiologist because my BP never came back down, I was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse which was worsened by my increase in blood pressure. My cardiologist says that the drug can cause serious harm if patients are not monitored closely for subtle changes. He is a firm believer in eating less and exercising more and using things like moderate doses of controlled caffiene (such as coffee or tea) to assist in appetie suppression and energy levels. They also raise your BP and pulse, but not to the level that the drug does. Also if you have any issues with anxiety or depression it can make it worse.
    Again, totally NOT bashing....I know that it works....just PLEASE be sure to check your BP twice weekly and be aware of your body and any subtle changes, headaches, crashes, flushing, funny flutter in your chest, throat...etc.
    Good luck and take care!!! :-)
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    It does work, and it is good for people who are monitored closely by their physician. I am nurse, I read all the warnings but I didn't care, I wanted to get thin and I needed help. My BMI was over 30% so my PCP prescribed it to me and told me to come back in 30 days for a refill and checkup. She got a baseline set of vitals and that was that. This drug worked, I lost 15 lbs lickity split I ignored the headaches as I had read that it was a side effect, I even ignored the palpitations I felt, figuring I hadn't drank enough or needed to eat. However, it can be very dangerous if you have ANY type of underlying (unknown) blood pressure or heart issues. My 2nd month taking the Phentermine my BP spiked up, headache, flushed face and ears...just didn't feel right, went to the doctor and my Bp was through the roof! Had to stop taking it, even though I had developed healthy eating habits I wasn't prepared for the "come down" not having the energy and the difficult time I had controlling my appetite. I gained back all the weight and then some within a month, even though I was still exercising and eating well....I was just eating all the time, worse than before the meds. I had to start seeing a cardiologist because my BP never came back down, I was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse which was worsened by my increase in blood pressure. My cardiologist says that the drug can cause serious harm if patients are not monitored closely for subtle changes. He is a firm believer in eating less and exercising more and using things like moderate doses of controlled caffiene (such as coffee or tea) to assist in appetie suppression and energy levels. They also raise your BP and pulse, but not to the level that the drug does. Also if you have any issues with anxiety or depression it can make it worse.
    Again, totally NOT bashing....I know that it works....just PLEASE be sure to check your BP twice weekly and be aware of your body and any subtle changes, headaches, crashes, flushing, funny flutter in your chest, throat...etc.
    Good luck and take care!!! :-)

    OK, you know it works. But from your own post - high blood pressure, gained the weight back, headaches, flushing, heart palpitations... Other than that Mrs. Kennedy, how did you enjoy your trip to Dallas?
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    I guess I am just curious as to why peole are looking for the "quick fix" when slow and steady wins the race. Learning how to eat and changing your lifestyle permanently, seems like a much healther way to do things, was 240 at my heaviest weight, and I have learned how to eat...smaller, healthier meals, more frequently, excercising daily....and I am down to 182-losing about 1-2lbs every week, and I am totally okay with that because I know in establishing these habits I am much less likely to put the weight back on.
    Just my opinion.
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 178 Member
    No offense to anyone, but why is it some people have to be rude with smartalec comments? If someone asks a question, they are only looking for an answer, not for someone to be rude and tear them down. I wasn't looking for a quick fix when I took it. And yes rjt1000, I knew why it gave me more energy. I'm not stupid. I just don't understand why some people have to be rude with their comments. Haven't you heard if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all?
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I took it in the 90's as part of Phen-Fen. Worked great I lost 80lbs but when they took me off of it I gained all back plus some
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    No offense to anyone, but why is it some people have to be rude with smartalec comments? If someone asks a question, they are only looking for an answer, not for someone to be rude and tear them down. I wasn't looking for a quick fix when I took it. And yes rjt1000, I knew why it gave me more energy. I'm not stupid. I just don't understand why some people have to be rude with their comments. Haven't you heard if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all?

    My reasons for how I post? Seriously, do you read what's being posted here? "It worked for me. Of course, I had blood pressure issues, palpitations, gained all the weight back plus more when i stopped......" on and on. That's working????? Sounds like the old jokes about Vietnam "In order to save the village we had to destroy it...."

    Somebody has to offset all the "Try it and see what happens to you" posts when they're supporting an diet pill that has many many serious issues. And people need to remember, THIS HAS ALL BEEN DONE BEFORE. How many diet pill crazes need to run through and kill how many people? FenPhen? Who's old enough to remember that? Or all the pills of the 60s and early 70s for "energy" and to reduce weight.

    Yeah, maybe I get rude at times when people are pandering to the "try a pill a and see if it helps" mentality. Of course, I'm in favor of "try being healthy and see how that works first" view myself.
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    I took it in the 90's as part of Phen-Fen. Worked great I lost 80lbs but when they took me off of it I gained all back plus some

    And how many of the people who took Phen-Fen ended up with heart damage? Cost the manufacturer millions in that class action lawsuit. And the families of the people who suffered heart valve damage are grateful.

    This is the problem with every diet drug that comes along.
  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    Yea, I have defiantly been doing research on this drug. I've seen where some people hallucinated and a few other negative side effects. I've taken it 3 days now and only the first day did I have a negative side effect, and that was only a rotten taste in my mouth, which was controlled by drinking bottle after bottle after bottle of water. After that I haven't had much of an appetite but i've made sure to eat small meals during the day. Lots of fruit and yogurts, pleanty of water and honestly i've discovered that I like fish a lot more than I thought I would. Now I just need to learn to cook it more than one way!

    So far I haven't seen a real negative effect! Thanks guy for the support and comments, please keep them coming!
    You have to be really careful with this drug, especially if you are on other medications and/or have conditions such as depression. I suffer from depression and anxiety and took Phentermine several years ago. I lost about ten pounds but in the meantime, I was flipping out with anxiety and agitation.

    I was really agitated all the time. I ended up on anti-depressants after I came off it.

    Can I just say, I'm not supporting the drug. I wouldn't take it again if you paid me, It really did mess me up for a while. BUT the OP is going to carry on taking it whether I sit here and scream 'stay away' or give her personal experience because, yes, she's going to be buzzing from it right now. I thought it was a wonder drug for the first few months. Personally I don't think it works for many in the long term and the negatives are way longer than the positives.

    But I'm here to seek support and support others - whether I agree on their methods or not. I'd rather give honest advice and have her educate herself. What she chooses to do with that advice is up to her.
  • Loseweight1980
    To all of those who say slow and steady, etc, etc, I couldn't agree more. However, I am about to start taking phentermine short term, and let me tell you why. As a member of the military, we are tested on fitness regularly. However, one of the awesome tests of "fitness" is a waist measurement. So, despite the fact that I can pass the run and sit-ups with flying colors, my waist is 1/16" over the requirement. Granted, I am currently heavier than I have been for a while, but my waist measurement was over even when I was 30lbs lighter (it's still the same now as it was then, I think my butt and thighs finally gained weight) But, overall, in order to keep my career, which I love, I am willing to do this. I am a PA, so I am well aware of the side effects and risks, but at this point, my career is worth more than any short term headaches, jitteriness, etc.
    BTW, America is great, free world. If someone wants to use a method you don't agree with to do something, and they are an adult, it's absolutely their right. I stand by that every day, and put the uniform on to protect that. 10 years so far, 10 more coming.
  • Slasher09
    Slasher09 Posts: 316 Member
    I've seen this prescribed in our office a few times now. In my opinion many of the patients who take this require nutritional counseling with a plan for weight loss after the medication is discontinued, as most doctors will only prescribe for up to 3-4 months. It is used most often in non-breastfeeding mothers trying to lose baby weight and those who are morbidly obese and need to lose weight, but have joint issues that prevent exercise and are made worse by the weight. Another issue with this is that the medicaion is fairly expensive, and I have only seen special exception insurance approval granted once. But, if you plan on it just being a jump start and not a quick fix or a crutch, I don't really see much wrong with this! Good luck
  • skinnybitch0178
    skinnybitch0178 Posts: 12 Member
    Okay, so just as a defense for myself from the posts by rjt1000--- no where in MY post did I mention "Sure try it, its a wonderful drug" however, in my MEDICAL experience when people want to do something, they are going to do it, where there is a will there is a way, no matter what you think of the persons actions or trials...or what you say to them....THEY are going to do what THEY want to do. The best thing someone can do for those people is to educate them on the dangers, personal experiences and precaustions that need to be taken. So did it work for me? Yes, initially it did....did it wreak havoc on my body....why yes, it did. Would I recommend it to I stop someone from taking it by being a complete *kitten* and screaming at them telling them they are an So the best thing do for them is inform them of my personal experience and side effects and ultimate failure in the end of the medication. Sharing on message boards should be informational, people should be able to ask questions and get honest answers. I see that you have lost alot of weight congratulations to you, slow and easy does win the race, you need to modify your lifestyle and usually if it souds too good to be true it usually is, hence the "no insta fix for fat". I am sure that you have lots to share about you weight loss journey, and I am sure much could be beneficial to the masses here on MFP. Your responses seem abrasive and you are okay with that, your opinion is your opinion....and ya know, thats okay too , opinons are like *kitten* everyone has one. It's just normally if you want someone to listen to you, approaching them with respect is step 1.
  • Dawn1084
    My mother currently goes to a weight loss doctor and was prescribed this and I have an appointment with him next week. She has lost 28 lbs in about 10wks. I actually am worried about her when she goes off it because she never tried to control her eating before and she still does not really even while on it. She can't do alot of exercise because she has bad knees but she does not really try to do any.

    For me the reason I am going to try it is because I feel out of options, I was always skinny and healthy and exercised alot and then when I got pregnant with my first son 5 years ago I gained 90lbs! My husband and I both tried explaining to my OBGYN at every appointment that I was not eating very much, in fact I kept myself to 1600 calories every day during my pregnancy. I actually went to college to be a nutritionist (did not finish my degree but I know alot about nutrition) and I have had a healthy diet for years. After I had my second son 18 months ago I was diagnosed with Celiacs and was told that was reason for my massive weight gain because my body was not absorbing any nutrients from my food and it flipped into starvation mode and held onto everything. So for the last 18 months I have not eaten any gluten, anything breaded or fried, no fast food (or resturaunts really since I can't trust them) We eat all organic meat and dairy, I buy nothing prepackaged because of preservatives .... .even for my kids! I prepare healthy meals with fruit and veggies every night. We "clean eat" 90% of the time! However I can't exercise because my energy is SOOO depleted from the celiacs and I was told it could be YEARS before my intestines have healed enough that I won't still experience pain and I am able to pull energy from the food I eat. I work 40 hrs a week with an hour each way commute, I have 2 small children and a husband that works full time and is also a full time college student and the clean eating requires ALOT of prep time on my part. I am sometimes amazed that I have the energy to run a load of laundry. I know I can find the time to exercise ........ if I could find the energy. I am hoping this helps me but I also don't want to become dependant on it.

    Has anyone had sucess taking it only 3 or 4 days a week?
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    "FDA Approved" doesn't mean a whole lot.

    My father-in-law is currently dying from end-stage liver failure. Never drank in his life. The cause: "FDA Approved" drugs taken over a long period of time. All prescribed by his doctor(s).
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I don't have a big issue with drugs being prescribed by doctors for people who are obese,as a means to an end to learn proper eating and exercise routines.

    But the OP appears to be 5 foot 1.5, and currently weighs 133lb. Now, where, medically, is that obese, or in need of special treatment?
  • karachlo
    karachlo Posts: 9 Member
    I took it a couple of years ago & lost 35 lbs. Once you quit taking it your appetite comes back with a vengeance! I actually went to Dr about a month ago & took phentermine for a week & then weaned myself off. You can't just quit taking all of a sudden. I decided while I had success the side effects just weren't worth it for me. This time around I need to change my mindset or I will end up in the same boat I'm in now.
  • ImaSongbird
    ImaSongbird Posts: 126 Member
    I take it sometimes on the weekend. It makes me very sleepy and groggy and then keeps me up all night, so I don't like to take it during the week.

    When I'm home on the weekends I struggle with binge eating, so the Phentermine is a great tool for me. It doesn't so much suppress my appetite (that is, I still *feel* hungry) as make me not care about eating. Thus, it has helped keep me from regaining the weight I work so hard all week to lose.