I cant get motivated!!!! HELP

Okay...I blame myself but i just cant get motivated i am not happy with my weight at all, everytime i try on jeans i feel like im going to cry because of my stomach flapping over, or just the size of the jeans that actually fit. I need to lose about 35-40 lbs but i just dont know where to start. I feel like i have no time to do anything just work and go home and sleep. Currently, I am trucking my boyfriend around daily because he doesnt have a car, we go looking for cars and I have to wake up earlier than normal to take him to work so by the time i am off work and done picking him up from work i am pooped and dont feel like working out. I have put up motivational photos and nothing, i always tell myself "tomorrow i'll go" but never do. I think today since i am writing this i am going to go to the gym. I think apart of it is i am embarrassed....Anyways any others that are this way? Any tricks that you have to jump start yourself? Maybe im not eatting enough and its causing me to feel tired?



  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    You are worth your time, energy and effort! Make yourself one of your priorities. You can't take care of others if you don't first take care of you!
  • Hattiejean
    Hattiejean Posts: 10 Member
    Gosh this is so tough. I definately have days where I am UNmotivated. I don't know that there is a simple solution. some days I just tell myself, You will go to the gym at 4:30. or You will run at 5. I have to give myself a time and stick to it...if I just think "Oh I will do it at some point today", the day gets away from me. But one day at the gym definately motivates me for the next.
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Just pick one thing to focus on first. I'd pick eating more nutritious food. When I make good food choices, lots more gets done and I feel better. Ya don't have to crack down, ya just have to hold yourself accountable and it makes a difference. If you open up your food diary, you could get better feedback. Good luck!
  • Locagrl7
    Locagrl7 Posts: 9 Member
    Have your boyfriend help you, if he goes to the gym go with him and if he doesn't ask him to encourage you when you don't want to. After working out a few times you'll start actually wanting to go and get more energy. If it's an embarassment thing try small steps like taking walks around the neighborhood, local park, lake, etc. I use my boyfriend as a motivator and I'll buy really cute work-out cloths so that way I feel bad if I don't use them, hope that helps a bit!
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    Okay...I blame myself but i just cant get motivated i am not happy with my weight at all, everytime i try on jeans i feel like im going to cry because of my stomach flapping over, or just the size of the jeans that actually fit. I need to lose about 35-40 lbs but i just dont know where to start. I feel like i have no time to do anything just work and go home and sleep. Currently, I am trucking my boyfriend around daily because he doesnt have a car, we go looking for cars and I have to wake up earlier than normal to take him to work so by the time i am off work and done picking him up from work i am pooped and dont feel like working out. I have put up motivational photos and nothing, i always tell myself "tomorrow i'll go" but never do. I think today since i am writing this i am going to go to the gym. I think apart of it is i am embarrassed....Anyways any others that are this way? Any tricks that you have to jump start yourself? Maybe im not eatting enough and its causing me to feel tired?


    As much as I understand how you feel and what you are going through because I was once felt exactly how you felt, there comes a time when you just have to stop making excuses and just do the work. Ive learned that if you want something bad enough, you will do whatever you need to do in order to get it. The same applies here. If you want to lose weight bad enough you will find a way to make it work. I know right now you are already getting up earlier than normal to take your boyfriend to work but is there anyway that you can talk to him and work something out. Maybe you bring him to work 3 days a week and see if he can get one of his friends or family members to bring him the other two days. That way you can get up early in the morning to take care of YOU and do your workout? OR you bring to work and a coworker or someone else brings him home that way you can workout after work? I think that would be a fair compromise especially if he is understanding of what you are trying to do.

    The problem with waiting for tomorrow is that when tomorrow does come around, the tendency is to keep procrastinating over and over again and tomorrow turns into 4 months. You dont want that...instead start TODAY! Make a committment to yourself to start eating healthier right now. If you cant make it to the gym or workout at home, start eating healthier foods, drinking more water..things like that. Small changes will yield big results down the road. But you have to make that committment now and start with small changes.

    Low energy could be because you either arent eating enough or not eating enough of the right foods! What "jump started" me was looking in the mirror and loathing what I saw...I knew that I needed to make a change and I did. No matter how tough it was, I broke through the barriers and faced my fear...and you can too!
  • capricorn0120
    capricorn0120 Posts: 109 Member
    Have you tried to work out at home? I was a member of a gym but like you I found it hard to make myself go, especially after work. I started exercising at home. I bought different excercise DVDs (Personal Training With Jackie: Power Circuit Training, Xtreme Timesaver workout) so that each has a different type of exercise and Wii Gold's Gym Dance Workout . It keeps it from becoming boring. I started off doing the Jackie Warner total body 20 minute workout. It's great when you don't have a lot of time but it works out every part of your body and believe me, it burns calories. This particular DVD has many options and her Xtreme Timesaver DVD is also really good, it's a 30 minute workout. The Wii Gold's Gym Dance is a lot of fun and burns calories. It has a variety of fun dance, cardio boxing workouts.

    I try to aim for 3 days of the dvd workouts and 2 days of the Wii. Start off slow and try to do it 3 days a week. As soon as I get home the first thing I do is put on my aerobic shoes and my workout clothes and start right away, that way I make myself workout. If you wait to start doing it after you do other chores it's easier to say "I'll do it tomorrow."