Success so far but have to come to a stand still!!

Hi, I have been on the Dukan diet since August and done really well, then slipped at Christmas, but have been trying to lose weight again since the beginning of luck!! Have stagnated at the same weight for over a month and can't seem to go down at all!! ;-(


  • Locagrl7
    Locagrl7 Posts: 9 Member
    Not sure what the Dukan diet is but I would try switching up your food/exercise routine. Once your body gets used to a routine it plateau's so if you switch it up it'll kick start your metabolism again. :)
  • my2boiz
    are you excersising? if not, you should start. How many calories are in this diet each day? Make sure you are getting enough. Drink more water and be realistic. I hit a stop not too long ago and i ended up taking 4 days off of working out and kept eating healthy. Broke my plateau and am now back to my regular schedule. Sometimes your body needs a break.
  • AnastasiaFox
    I have been doing a lot of brisk walking and as work involves constant movement and that I never sit down it seems on average I am burning 400-500 calories a day and keeping under my 1200 calories intake a day!! I think my body has responded well to this metgos of recoring my calories too!!
    HEATHERB500 Posts: 78 Member
    I have had problems with plataues too. I'm not familiar with that diet but I'm kinda against the whole diet idea and more for the healthy eating lifestyle change. Anyway I actually broke my plataue by eating more cals. Sounds crazy doesn't it? When I first started working out I was very sedentary so I set my MFP at that but then I started to add daily activity I needed to switch my MFP setting to moderate. When I did this I started losing again and I was actually eating about 300 extra cals per day. The next major plataue I hit I met a lady at the gym who told me to switch up my routine at least every month. Since I have done this I have had times where I am not losing weight but I have continue to lose inches. I hope this helps. I know its frustrating when your trying hard and not seeing the results but stick with it. Feel free to add for consistant inspiration:-)