Boxercise coaching - England & Wales - Volunteers required

Hi guys

I am wanting to possibly become a personal trainer in the future, but before i embark on this journey, i just want to see if i have any talent in this field.

I have a few volunteers from my gym, but i am looking for more people from the North West of England to see if i have any ability whatsoever.

If anyone is interested in having a FREE session please give me a shout, or have any suggestions as to where i can go to find people.

Apologies if i post this in a few sections..., i just want some volunteers.




  • Hi, well done for wanting to become a personal trainer I wish you all the luck. Ive just started my weightloss journey and I'm from the north west too. I'l be happy to volunteer to help you and I'd be more than grateful for your help too. Message me for details of were I'm from. ;-)
  • bump - just assuming UK people will be on right now :)