
What should I have for breakfast today? Trying to loose 30 pounds by June1st.


  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    I've been having a 1/3cup of cooked plain oatmeal with a poached egg. I eat it like grits with Braggs Liquid Aminos and hot sauce! Yum!!! or have an apple with toast... you can have turkey bacon... brown rice.... just make sure you measure it! I measured a cup of brown rice this morning and looked at it ... it's actually quite a bit!!! 2 ice cream scoops is 1 cup. that's a lot!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    My favorite breakfast is a cup of Fage Non Fat greek yogurt with a packet of Stevia mixed in, topped with strawberries and raspberries! Sometimes I'll add a little bit of Kashi Go Lean Crunch to it if I'm really hungry or just want some crunch added to it.

    Keeps me full until lunch time! I'm hoping to lose 30 lbs by June 1st too! Good luck to you!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    My favorite breakfast is a cup of Fage Non Fat greek yogurt with a packet of Stevia mixed in, topped with strawberries and raspberries! Sometimes I'll add a little bit of Kashi Go Lean Crunch to it if I'm really hungry or just want some crunch added to it.

    Keeps me full until lunch time! I'm hoping to lose 30 lbs by June 1st too! Good luck to you!

    Ooops, I meant strawberries and blueberries, not raspberries!
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    4 egg whites scrambled and oatmeal
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Whatever you please, there are no magic foods that you could eat for breakfast that would magically help you lose weight. You don't even have to eat breakfast if you don't want to. At the end of the day it's all about calories, maintain a caloric deficit and you will lose weight, eating specific foods at a certain time will have minimal to no effect at all on your weight loss
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Agree with Acg.

    It's not about what you have for breakfast today; it's about your overall diet and lifestyle, over time, and whether what you are doing is sustainable for the long term.
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    Breakfast is my fave meal of the day and heres my normal foods...

    1. 2 eggo waffles (190calories) ...usually no syrup
    2. 2-3 eggs scrambled (120-210 calories)
    3. 1 cup cereal and 1/2 cup nonfat milk (150calories)
  • mcubed85
    For breakfast today I scrambled 1/4 cup egg whites with spinach. Melted 1 T of low fat cheese over the top and piled it between a 100 cal english muffin. A delicious, filling breakfast sandwhich and it was less than 200 calories.
  • sedelagarza
    sedelagarza Posts: 96 Member
    I usually have 2 servings of a protien shake with vanilla almond milk, it keeps me full through the morning plus an hour of intense bootcamp workout.