Going to all-inclusive resort: That means all you can eat!



  • Survivor1997
    Survivor1997 Posts: 59 Member
    When my husband and I took a cruise some years back, I was determined to try as many new foods (in moderation) as possible. And so I did...everything from escargot to strawberry soup. It was a wonderful time.

    Life's too short not to experience it. Enjoy.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    This "journey" is about learning how to eat correctly. Just because you go on vacation shouldn't change this! Just because it is all you can eat doesn't mean you should eat all you can. Eat normally. Use what you have learned. Food tastes good without being slathered in butter! You are allowed to eat anything you want, just remember what you have learned and most of all enjoy yourself
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    You can enjoy the food, just keep it in proper portions.

    I would get up every morning and run on the beach. There is something really nice about being by myself, at sunrise. and listening to the waves, as I ran. The second day I turned off my Ipod and just enjoyed everything around me.

    Go enjoy, eat in moderation, and make healthy choices. As far as deserts and sweets, on vacation I follow the 3 bite rule. Taste it , enjoy it, and push the rest away.
  • darylinny
    I love all inclusive resorts!!! I actually prefer these types of vacations. By the way, "all you can eat"...DOES NOT MEAN "eat all you can". First off, if you've been working out steadily and eatting right, you won't even notice that you'll continue to do so while on vacation. I stuck to my gym routine while at a resort on my last vacation. Plus all of the offsite excursions like zip lining, horseback riding, swimming ect...I actually maintained my weight and enjoyed new foods!

    But if you are a "drinker" find an alternative to pina colada's which are high in calories. I gave up juice a while back (I loved mixed drinks, the pinker the better) but now I'm fine with flavored rum or vodka on the rocks, with one to two glasses of water in between. Everything in moderation especially the beverage calories! Coming back from a wonderful vacation at the same weight if not lighter is a guarenteed boost to start planning your next trip without worrying about losing control.
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    I will be at one in Jamaica in 11 days 17 hours and 22 mins...... (who's counting???? lol)

    I plan to workout 3-4x while there. And just try to load up on as much veggies and fruit as possible!
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    And we go to an all inclusive in Jamaica every year. I have never put on more than 6 lbs.... Mostly water weight though. Comes off pretty quickly.
  • PhoenixBlaise
    PhoenixBlaise Posts: 63 Member
    This is what I do.
    -Drink the mojito's and have the creamy drink as a treat once or twice.
    -Fill your plate with veggies and fruit and have small amounts of the really good, high calorie stuff.
    -Don't have a bun with every meal just because they're there.
    -Walk after every meal.
    -Do some active swimming every day.
    -Don't worry about a few pounds extra once you come back, travel, excess salt etc.. will make you retain water.

    Don't deny yourself the good stuff, this is vacation and you can treat yourself. Lifestyle changes aren't about denying yourself, it has to be reasonable and you should be able to have treats every once in a while, in moderation.

    Have a great trip!!!
  • a1wonder
    a1wonder Posts: 95 Member
    My gf just went to Mexico to an all inclusive for two weeks and dropped 5
    Her trick was alternate days :
    she would have 1 day by the pool side and would have lighter meals and plan to eat healthy
    then she would have the next day super active and make a point to do some killer walking, or swimming or exploring then allow herself to eat abit heaver on those days.

    This works for my hubby and I when we go on shopping trips and are forced to eat out for all of our meals, it might work for you too

    be good to yourself :)
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    There's nothing quite like exercising on the beach. I actually look forward to that part of my vacations. I would strongly recommend it if you have the time.

    For me personally, at all-inclusives, I just have fun and eat/drink my face off. I'd rather enjoy myself and not worry and put in more effort when I get back.
  • missmeliss169
    missmeliss169 Posts: 65 Member
    I am actually headed to Puerto Rico on Friday for a girls vacation for five days, but not to an all inclusive resort. I am worried though that with all the drinking and eating that I will gain a lot of weight back. I packed work out clothes and planned a day to hike the rainforest one of the days, but I know that going out at night will be a killer. Hopefully I can stick to my diet for the most part!
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    All-you-can-eat does not mean you have to eat all you CAN eat. Go and enjoy yourself, eat things you normally wouldn't and have fun, but don't make yourself sick and come back regretting it. It would be a shame to undo the habits and progress you have made so far.

    At the end of the day, just remember that it is just food and there will be more of the same tomorrow. You don't need to eat it all just because you can. It isn't that important.

    Personally, I have been to all inclusives in the past, and am also going to the DR this year at an all in, and I tend to not be that bad. It is hot, your at the beach, you are probably more active than at your work, and I just don't usually feel like eating that much.
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I agree with therealangd. It's your holiday. Go and have a great time. As long as you don't go totally nuts but eat as normal then yes you may put on 3lbs maybe 5 or at worst case 7lbs if you really go for it.

    If your weight loss journey as a whole was a 40 week journey then it's just going to be a 42 week journey instead and you had a brilliant holiday thrown in too. Happy days!

    This is how I feel about it, as well! Vacations are for relaxation and no worries!

    If you are really concerned about it, here are some tips:
    - Fill half of your plate with fresh fruit or veggies at every meal
    - Split desserts with someone. You don't need a whole slice of cheesecake to feel satisfied. Really. You don't! ;)
    - Avoid the sugary frou-frou drinks when possible. Enjoy a few, in moderation. They are LOADED with empty calories

    But overall, just ENJOY the vacation! :)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    How long are you going to be there for? You have to eat 3500 calories more than your maintenance to gain a single pound. That means to gain a measly 5lbs you'd have to eat 17,500 extra calories. That's a lot. I doubt you could go over that if you tried. Go, have fun. Don't worry about it. Be prepared to see some water weight gains though.
  • SCUBAMomofTwo
    I would eat my freaking face off. And enjoy every minute of it.

    My philosophy is that one week out of 52 is not going to destroy the work that you do, or the mission you are on.

    Your "philosophy" might NOT be right for everyone. Ever heard of an alcoholic? For a person that has made huge strides and has many to go (her admission), eating their "freaking face off" might not be the best idea and could very well derail any program they're on. It isn't always easy to jump back on the wagon. Another example is how full gym parking lots are in January, and why they're empty my April.

    Moderation is the key here. And it is very easy to talk about going to the gym on vacation, it is another matter to actually do it. Maybe the OP could make a deal with herself (workout = dessert or something).

    I agree. I "ate my freaking face off" in Cozumel last June and that led to a 6 month food orgy that found me, at the end, 20 pounds heavier. Before that, I had been maintaining a 100+ pound weight loss for 10 years!

    My USUAL M.O. on vacation is to eat pretty much on plan for breakfast and lunch, then allow myself some additional leeway at dinner. I usually have a cocktail and dessert; if I have both, I definitely pass on the bread basket. You CAN enjoy yourself without being a glutton.
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    Just went to an all-inclusive a few weeks ago. While I didn't eat 'till I busted at the seams, I still tried to eat healthy (lean meats, veggies, eggs, easy on the desserts) but I definitely went over on my cals every day in food. That didn't of course include all the sugary alcoholic drinks all day, every day.

    My take is - do it in moderation but you're ON vacation so don't obsess. Enjoy yourself and if you want a slice of cake, hell, GET a slice of cake (or whatever you like).

    Have fun!!!
  • mztrixx
    mztrixx Posts: 12
    Geez, Thanks everyone! I read all of your posts and got some great ideas from them. I think that I am gonna make sure to get exercise (but that's easy bc I LOVE swimming, and we will be beach side), and I am gonna fill up on the lean foods but allow myself a treat too. The drinking was the biggest worry, I think that I will avoid the frozen, high calorie drinks and stick to wines and spirits mixed with fruit juices. But, mostly you all helped me to realize that I am going on vacation and that I should not be too harsh with myself.
  • rdsxgrl28
    rdsxgrl28 Posts: 165 Member
    Geez, Thanks everyone! I read all of your posts and got some great ideas from them. I think that I am gonna make sure to get exercise (but that's easy bc I LOVE swimming, and we will be beach side), and I am gonna fill up on the lean foods but allow myself a treat too. The drinking was the biggest worry, I think that I will avoid the frozen, high calorie drinks and stick to wines and spirits mixed with fruit juices. But, mostly you all helped me to realize that I am going on vacation and that I should not be too harsh with myself.

    You can do it! All-Inclusives usually have lots of activities. We have done them a few times - love them!! I do find beach volleyball burns tons of calories.

    My SO calls them a fat alcoholics paradise LOL! I limit myself to one fruity drink a day, my personal fave was Chocolate Banana Daiquiri>
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Don't stress about it, enjoy the holiday and the foods but just keep some sense of perspective.
    Just because you CAN eat until you burst doesn't mean you have to. I know you've paid for it, but that is a bad reason to eat more than you need to or want to.

    Why not check out the buffet on the first day and work out which things look the best - eat plenty of the healthier options and choose one treat to enjoy every day. I do this for breakfast at at hotel buffet - one day I will have eggs and bacon, another day I might have pancakes, pastries, and I usually go back for a second serve of fruit, then go back for a third time to get cofee.... so I get to enjoy everything that is there, just not every single thing every day!
  • Blueyz82
    Blueyz82 Posts: 151
    I am going on a Caribbean Cruise in April and I was thinking about all the food that will be available too. I decided that I am not going to worry about it and I am going to enjoy myself completely and eat whatever I would like. It is a vacation, enjoy yourself! When you come back from vacation, get yourself back on track! I plan on doing that myself! Have a great trip! :)
  • pregobound
    I've been to a few all-inclusives and the food is great! but every time I amazingly lost weight! With all the activity, but really, i kind of got tired with the food, especially the breakfasts, so I stuck to fresh fruit yogurt and the eggs with salsa. Don't forget to drink water! The heat and the fact that your wearing a lot less when wearing a bathing suit every day also keeps you in check. Good luck, have fun and try not to feel guilty!