Had Gastric By Pass 3 yrs ago need help..

I had a gastric by pass a little over three years ago...and like many other patients this far out or more find my self able to eat 'normal" foods..with the exception of too much sugar.. it is very confusing to be told (due to the surgery) to push protein and eat a low carb diet. I just want to eat healthy and be able to loose the rest of this weight...they give u a tool to work with ( smaller stomach) but it does not fix your mind... any suggestions on how many calories I "should be " taking in.. how many carbs...keep in mind I can eat about 2 cups of food if it is not protein dense... I want to be able to enjoy a sandwich with out thinking i am doing something wrong by eating the bread....I feel like I need structure....


  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Have you talked to your doctor about this? It'd probably be the wisest thing to do. I'd trust that before I'd ask random people on the internet what to do considering you have special circumstances.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If you have to watch your sugar, it makes sense to watch your carbs. And if you've been told by a medical professional that you should be eating that way, then you should. Don't let people here tell you that it's okay to eat any other way because they don't know your whole situation.

    Sandwiches are certainly possible while watching carbs. There are good low carb breads out there or I'll often just use one slice of regular whole wheat bread and pile the same amount of ingredients into the half sandwich. You can also look into wraps or even use a big leaf of romaine lettuce to put your sandwich ingredients into. I especially like the lettuce approach for burgers or a chicken breast.
  • cajunbuderfly
    cajunbuderfly Posts: 3 Member
    yes ...she put me on addapex ... and as I said I can eat normal portions, with no trouble... I can't eat too much sugar but who should? thanks for your opinion
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    You need to do what the doctor is telling you to do. We pay this huge amount to have medical professionals guide us, then try every trick in the book to get around doing what they say.

    Low carb breads and thins can ease that sandwich craving. You can do this!