Friends who will help support!!!!

I am looking for more friends that will actually help me out. I post one everyone feeds and show them support but I get nothing back in return and if I do its half the time.



  • sorry sunshine. I will try to message you more!!
  • Add me as a friend and I will help support and motivated you. I'm new to this site but have been using several other things similar for my own motivation
  • brianafaye2
    brianafaye2 Posts: 166 Member
    im new on here and giving and recieving support really helps! u can add me and maybe we can help eachother alot :)
  • im new here and need support also :) id love to chit chat :) add me :)
  • interceptor311
    interceptor311 Posts: 980 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'll do my best :-)
  • You can add me. I just broke my plateau last week and started losing weight hardcore again. I'm on everyday and I comment often. Lets do this together!
  • Sharonsimon
    Sharonsimon Posts: 56 Member
    Hi you can add me if you wish I atleast comment on my friends achievements once a day and try to help when I can you r not alone x
  • lilsis10
    lilsis10 Posts: 72 Member
    I can understand what you are talking about 100%, It's very disheartening. Feel free to add me. I don't always initiate a post, but I check in every day, and reply
  • mylilliam
    mylilliam Posts: 27 Member
    Add me as your friend. I have MFP friends and yet it seems like I reply to them but they never reply to me. I even did a quick game yesterday asking people to respond and no-one did. No wonder my motivation is going - i have no support.
  • ShilohMJ
    ShilohMJ Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm new to MFP. I started on Jan 30th and have lost 16 lbs. As the mom of 3 young boys, I have a hard time keeping up! I need to lose about 50 lbs. I have tried so many other programs-LA weight loss, Atkins, weight watchers gym memberships, but never really found anyone to hold me accountable. I have a few friends on MFP and it has really helped. Please add me! I'd like a few more people to do this journey with! It is encouraging when you see progress, but everyone has bad days and it is nice to have a support group!
  • Xander11
    Xander11 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for adding me as your friend. Today is my first day using MFP. My goal is to keep MFP up during the day so I can track what I'm eating at the time I eat. Do you find this an easy system to use? Do you know if the calories to consume will change as your weight changes?
  • Feel free to add me. I'll help and encourage you as much as I can :happy:
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am looking for more friends, too! I check in quite often but don't give feedback on every post (most of my current friends don't initiate posts often but I do comment on the MFP initiated posts about logging in, weight loss, etc.). Ultimately we need to be accountable to and for ourselves, but having support, encouragement, and understanding goes a long way!
  • ADD ME! (: I am in the same boat. I just started and I am ready to change. Sometimes its nice to hear some support. I love to support someone who is in it it win it! You go girl! (:
  • BByrd2012
    BByrd2012 Posts: 2 Member
    ADD ME!! I am new on here and would love to have a support group. It's hard to do it on your own.