Weight Gain Due to Medications

I have to take medication to alleviate symptoms from bipolar disorder. Most psych meds have weight gain side effects. I'm on meds that don't have a really strong weight gain side effect at least most of them. My mania meds do cause weight gain and quickly. Recently I gained 40 lbs in less than two months taking mania meds. I don't keep sweets in the house. I was craving sweets so much I was eating decorative sugar. IThe colored sugar you use on cookies and cakes. Bummer.


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Seroquel eh?

    A friend of mine said she used lollipops because it took longer to get the sugar. As opposed to twinkies, icing etc- those are the easy to shovel in sweets.

    It can be done though- I hope your manic episodes are far far apart and your mood stabilizer is all you need! Exercise can help the brain chemistry so that's a bonus as well!
  • mreko2005
    I know exactly how you feel. I get put on massive doses of steroids at least twice a year and each time I gain at least 10 lbs.
  • phoebeeinwonderland
    Which meds do y'all take?
    I'm on Lamictal for the Bipolar Disorder and it didn't make me gain any weight.

    My Psych wants to put me on Abilify and Risperidone, but I don't want to take the Risperidone. Does anyone know about the Abilify though? I have an appointment tomorrow!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Abilify is weight-neutral so you're good there. Risp- that *can* cause weight gain but it is not a given like with seroquel. Keep your activity level up and eat good healthy food and you'll be right as rain.
  • LoreleiWalks
    LoreleiWalks Posts: 143 Member
    I can totally relate. I gained 20 pounds over the summer due to meds for my anxiety/depression. I plowed through so many boxes of Cheez-Its it was unbelievable. I just craved carby salty stuff sooooo badly. I was very fortunate to be able to get off of my medication and manage my issues in other ways. I know that this is not an option for some people. I do have friends whose doctors have put them on other meds to counteract the weight gain, and it seems to help prevent weight gain, and even help them lose weight slowly. Best of luck to all of you who are dealing with these issues - it can be so frustrating!
  • phoebeeinwonderland
    Thanks! So I'll definitely go with the Abilify then. Have been pondering about it for months now.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I have to take medication to alleviate symptoms from bipolar disorder. Most psych meds have weight gain side effects. I'm on meds that don't have a really strong weight gain side effect at least most of them. My mania meds do cause weight gain and quickly. Recently I gained 40 lbs in less than two months taking mania meds. I don't keep sweets in the house. I was craving sweets so much I was eating decorative sugar. IThe colored sugar you use on cookies and cakes. Bummer.

    Ugh! The absolute worst reason to gain weight out there. By taking the meds you need to feel "normal"! I hear you. I take antidepressants, and use birth control. They both have the side effect of weight gain. As does the anti-anxiety med I take occasionally. The only way to fight this is to be extremely careful about what you are putting into your body. Count every calorie! Have your doctor look at spironolactone (sp?) for the cravings. I use it with great success. It takes the edge off the cravings so that I can resist the temptation most of the time. It's a prescription med, but is generic so not crazy expensive. My doctor has me on it for the exact reason of sugar cravings. I don't need it all the time, but it sure helps when I'm have a low-impulse control kind of day! But I don't know if it will react with the other meds you take, so be sure to ask the doctor and/or the pharmacist!
  • gldnlark
    I feel your pain... Everything I tried for depression/anxiety caused me no less than 35lb weight gain. Zoloft shot me up almost 80lbs! Come to find out I didn't need any of them - I had a rare endocrine condition causing the symptoms... But I've gain on steroids, 2 kinds of birth control pills, arthritis meds, and now I'm suspicious of my heart medication, Toprol XL... Only the steroids increased my appetite though...

    It's called being hypersensitive to a medication.

    Discuss this with your doctor and be willing to try different medications and methods if you cannot loose and keep gaining. Show them your records from this site to help prove your point... I am.

    Good luck,
