getting help on the free weights...

So, every time i go to the gym, theres no built guys or women on the free weights, just loads of average size young guys (like 18-21).

i want to ask someone to help me as i dont have the first clue about bench presses etc... but i dont think anyone is suitable to ask?

i just dont know where to start or what to do.


  • Swanson83
    Swanson83 Posts: 226 Member
    The book New Rules of Lifting for Women! It was where I started! It is Quick, easy and works! I started by checking it out at the library...I am going to be purchasing it soon!
  • Joneses17
    Joneses17 Posts: 135 Member
    You may want to ask a gym associate. They should have at least one person, if not several, trained on how to use the equipment. They may also have personal trainers available willing to give you a free demo or fitness assessment. I have a strength training book and took 2 weight training courses in undergrad and still find that online or phone apps are great assistance. If you have an android phone look in the market for "daily arm workout FREE". There are several free weight workouts available with a demo of each position. They have similar for several body parts and likely what you need.
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    thanks guys

    ive looked at the new rules, but i use a kindle and the reviews say its not great on there?
    im happy to buy it if its ok on the kindle!

    i use a blackberry, so no lovely apps sadly... there are fitness coaches, i may well ask one.... im worried they might not know what i need to know...they seem to advocate the machines?
  • neekz0r
    neekz0r Posts: 41 Member
    Heh. I wouldn't ask anyone floating around the gym.

    After a while and once you get educated, you'll notice that most of them half crappy form with no idea what they are doing.

    No replacement for a knowledgeable personal trainer.

    I also disagree that reading a book will help you. There's a HUGE difference between knowing the right form and actually doing the right form. Everyone who lifts weights thinks their form is great. Very rarely is it true.
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    im not in a financial position to pay for a trainer sadly.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Videos. I watch a crapload of videos and then I watch myself in the mirror. Except there's no mirror for a bench press but that's the movement that's easiest to not-screw up as long as you aren't overloading.

    I ALSO kind of recommend you get a trainer just for one session, make sure they are very knowledgeable about the lifts you want to do (and if they turn out not to be, demand your money back). IT shouldn't be THAT expensive. Just go into it with a clear outline o what you are looking for.

    the other thing you can do is watch the videos then watch the guys at the gym and see who is obviously using correct form, then ask them (be prepared to wait a long time til you see one, most people have no idea what they are doing).

    How buff someone is isn't really a good measure of if they know what they are doing. I'm the fat chick at the gym and I know more than 90% of the people in there.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I bought NROLFW on the kindle. So far it is just fine. I have read about the ideas and the diet plan, but haven't found the workout plan yet. Must have to read farther in.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I bet those 18yr olds would love to spot your form :) ask them.
  • dokihara
    dokihara Posts: 14 Member
    Videos. I watch a crapload of videos and then I watch myself in the mirror. Except there's no mirror for a bench press but that's the movement that's easiest to not-screw up as long as you aren't overloading.

    I think Bench press is one of the hardest to do -properly-. A lot of people do this very, very wrong.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Videos. I watch a crapload of videos and then I watch myself in the mirror. Except there's no mirror for a bench press but that's the movement that's easiest to not-screw up as long as you aren't overloading.

    I think Bench press is one of the hardest to do -properly-. A lot of people do this very, very wrong.

    :/ how? you get your butt and shoulders on the bench, you put your hands on the bar so the weight will be balanced and your hands are the right width apart and you can go down and up and then you go down and up. I think its a lot harder to learn to squat if its not a familiar movement - sticking your butt back out like that. Ditto for deadlifts.
  • dokihara
    dokihara Posts: 14 Member
    :/ how? you get your butt and shoulders on the bench, you put your hands on the bar so the weight will be balanced and your hands are the right width apart and you can go down and up and then you go down and up. I think its a lot harder to learn to squat if its not a familiar movement - sticking your butt back out like that. Ditto for deadlifts.

    main things for me

    1) proper grip width and what the differences are between the grips
    2) tucking the elbows
    3) shoulders / lats flat and driven into the bench
    4) legs at 80 degrees with your heels driving the movement

    main problems
    1) flaring elbows
    2) not full range of motion (similar problem with squats)
    3) Legs up / on the bench
    4) or legs flat, but not driving w/ the legs

    I wasn't saying squats and deadlifts are easy to master, but bench press is often overlooked.
  • beckipercy
    beckipercy Posts: 160 Member
    I bought some dumbells a while ago, and I have been using them to do exercises I have seen in videos and what I have picked up in the gym. May not be the "correct" thing to do, but my guns are definitely growing :laugh:
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    main problems
    1) flaring elbows
    Damn, 10 years of doing it wrong! Could this be why my should always hurts?
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    Go to body building DOT com.
    You can search by exercise. Then there is always You Tube. (Scott Herman Fitness OR Muscle & Fitness Workout Trainer.)