Started Chantix today.

Anyone know how this is going to work? How long does it take for cravings to go away? What should I expect? Did it work for you? etc.

Just kind of curious as I want to do this.

thanks for the responses!


  • sdiers35
    sdiers35 Posts: 2 Member
    I am on this as we speak, been nicotine free since Jan 9th. You start with low dose and gradually increase it. You get to smoke the first week on it while it is getting into your system. Then after the first week you try your best to put them down for good. It really helped me with the cravings/withdrawl symptoms however it doesnt take the mental association away with certain things (example if you smoked while driving or in a bar) The only side effect I had would be the vivid dreams which were not bad at all and they soon subsided. I actually enjoyed them. I also made sure to take it with food. I should also say this is the second time I am on it, the first time I made it 8 months before relapsing. So you HAVE to be ready to kick the habit. I feel the strongest I ever have for kicking it this time. I plan to take it for 3 months. Best of luck to you!
  • Thank you. I would have thought more responses, but so far so good except the nausea is making me insane.